Know what you want and what you won't settle for. Have cash on hand and be ready to pull the trigger for the right deal. There are deals out there, just gotta check the forums and websites everyday. Don't be afraid to offer $20k below asking price if you have the cash in hand but to do that show up in person to make the offer. Low balling via email or PM won't get you a deal. I have always dropped my price for someone willing to stand in front of me rather than someone making me an offer from a keyboard. Even if the ad says "Firm" don't let that scare you off. It's for sale because they don't need it or they need to get rid of it. I'd much rather sell to someone who will enjoy whatever I'm selling rather than someone I know is gonna slap some polish on it and bump the price to make a quick profit. Not a fan of flippers, be it sandrails or RVs.