Save our Country


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May 18, 2021
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Save our dunes Country.

People, members, non-members, duners.

Twenty years ago our favorite off-roading location, the Algadones Sand dunes, Imperial Sand Dunes Recreational Area (ISDRA), Mother Glamis was attacked by those who do not believe in our right enjoy our own public lands. We, as a group came together to make a stand and to defend our rights. 

I know, because I was there, along with many of you. We were powerless. We were helpless, but we came together and showed them how they were wrong. We did it peacefully and intelligently and within the law. and in so doing we discovered a lot about ourselves. We discovered that we were not a tiny, powerless group. We discovered that we were like minded an we were not alone. Along the way we created a movement that can now, no longer be ignored as powerless. We created

How many of you, here at have come together and learned that we are all like minded? We are the same. That guy over there that you don't know? He's gonna be your newest, lifelong friend. 

We had that realization and knew that our message was strong, righteous and right and we REFUSED to back down, and guess what? We WON! We won because we were right. Our dunes are open, and we can dune together, and it is all because we looked at our neighbor and learned he is us. And, as a founding member of, a proud supporter of the American Sand Association and CORVA and San Diego Off Road Coalition and others I'm here to remind you about that. Our dunes were CLOSED. We stood up for what was right and we won.

Now we are being attacked again. Our rights are being ignored and even outright removed. We are free to dune at Glamis, but what will you do when you can no longer cross state lines? Your dunes are open but you people in Arizona and Nevada and Colorado and everywhere you are denied free travel from your state to Glamis? What would you do then? Not closing half the dunes, but closing entire states? What would you do?

Well, I'm here to tell you that in Canada, our amazing neighbors to the North, our brothers are experiencing just that. State to state travel is severely restricted. Cross boarder travel, only for the Vaxed. Masks for 4 year olds. No Jab No Job. Show me your papers. This is what Canada is living through right now.

I have watched over 20 hours of uncut, livestreams from Ottawa. I have seen with my own eyes, through the unedited lens of Viva Frei, A completely unimpeachable and honest man. A man who I have followed for several years and can speak to his honesty and integrity, as well as others. You know me. You know I am not easily misled. You know that I know the truth when I see it and I am here to tell you that THIS is the truth. Canada is, like us 20 years ago, standing up for freedom. Standing up for truth. And you know what else I see? I see US. I see Canadians realizing that their neighbor is just like them. That THEY are the people, not that fake crap from the mainstream or from the establishment. 20 hours of live, uncensored, unedited footage shows this. These people are US. They are our brothers and sisters.

The attacks against them have been unending. Their funding was nearly stolen. They changed funding locations and it was frozen, by "the law". There are currently 3 states of emergency. They attempted to prevent fuel and food from being delivered. (minus freezing temps) They actually made a special law to make it illegal to honk your horn? They locked up their war memorials. They attacked and injured an 80 year old man for honking his horn. And how do they justify this? By calling it an "insurrection". Ever hear that before?

These people. These Truckers. These Canadians are standing up for their freedom, and by extension they are standing up for YOUR freedom, and they are doing it peacefully. Remember, they are US!

So here I am, a founding member of A guy who sat on a dune with several others and discussed how we could come together as a group and make a movement which ultimately got our dunes open and brought us together. And I am making the call to action. It is time that we stand up WITH them. Make our voices heard. Support them and bring it home. They are US. We are them. 

I challenge you to watch some of the streams and compare it to the news. Tell me what is the truth, because that crap that is being fed through the news is outright LIES. You don't have to watch 20 hours. Just watch 5 minutes. Watch one interview. Watch an interview of someone who moved to Canada from a Communist country and listen to them say, "This is how it started in MY country and I refuse to let it happen again". Many, many such interviews like that exist. Live. Unedited, unfiltered truth.

Make no mistake, duners. This fight is our fight. Our brothers are standing up for us. They are US. We are them. Please. Open your eyes. Open your ears. And when you are convinced that I am right open your mouths and speak it loud to all that will listen. Don't let them do this alone. We have done it before, we can do it again.



Brian Covey

(PS: Please spread this message far.)

Unedited, unfiltered livestream: Viva Frei (Lawyer): 
