Sand Car For Sale Ads


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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Tis the season...
There is a growing number of sand car for sale ads stating to be a name brand car/builder but it's obviously not. To me, this brings down the value of my car and other brand named cars when someone claims their home build whatever is somehow a name brand or reputable builder. Plus, there are a lot of clones and "similar" cars built by smaller names and builders but you can tell the difference.

I don't like to mess with people's for sale ads, but I'm about to start. (Sorry @Grease Monkey ) Say what your shit is and stop ruining other brand names.
I am all for adding value and educating a seller who in many instances is unaware of what they actually own. The rub comes from discussing this in for sale ads. If a seller asks what do you think, or whats the market for something like this? Its fair game. A PM in most cases finds it way to the seller who has a chance to update his for sale ad and bring to the market a better description of whats being listed. A clever member would start another topic lets say, describing the differences between Builder supplied cars vs rollers or frames that were finished by the end user or a 3rd party shop. The timing of this could coincide with that new listing as be super helpful without commenting on said item for sale.
I would say notifying the seller of the mistake and asking them to change the ad in a pm would be step one. If they choose not to change the ad, then fair game to call them out in the ad.
Tis the season...
There is a growing number of sand car for sale ads stating to be a name brand car/builder but it's obviously not. To me, this brings down the value of my car and other brand named cars when someone claims their home build whatever is somehow a name brand or reputable builder. Plus, there are a lot of clones and "similar" cars built by smaller names and builders but you can tell the difference.

I don't like to mess with people's for sale ads, but I'm about to start. (Sorry @Grease Monkey ) Say what your shit is and stop ruining other brand names.
LOL! I just went to FB and saw this on sand car buy and sell crew. I’ve spotted quite a few GD members on other sites since they use the same name. Never would have known this was you if it wasn’t for this thread.
LOL! I just went to FB and saw this on sand car buy and sell crew. I’ve spotted quite a few GD members on other sites since they use the same name. Never would have known this was you if it wasn’t for this thread.

He's a sneaky fucker this one!

LOL! I just went to FB and saw this on sand car buy and sell crew. I’ve spotted quite a few GD members on other sites since they use the same name. Never would have known this was you if it wasn’t for this thread.
Alter ego...🤣
I am pretty sure I saw the ad your are mentioning on race dezert. Far from a super light or even anything remotely well build.
Not any one particular ad, just a few out there.
any links to ads that are doing this ???? Would love to see what this is all about cuz lieing on a buggy ad is not cool
I am pretty sure I saw the ad your are mentioning on race dezert. Far from a super light or even anything remotely well build.
It's on FB Market Place as well. The seller is not some newbie so he should know better.
It sucks when your AD gets thrashed on for no reason, just people talking shit. That's the community eating its own.
Its awesome when BS gets called out, that's the community looking out for their own. Where is the line.

Funny how that all works - LOL

At the end of the day, I like the open comment Ads. Sometimes you have to swim in shit, to get where yore going.

I have met one of the owners that owns one of the ads in question... I can confidently say that he doesnt know what he has and someone with bad info told him what they thought it was and he ran with it.. Unfortunately its one of those situations they will learn the hard way as most do in the sand world. Everyones been there at some point.
I remember buying a Scorpion Sand car, beam frontend and the seller had it listed as a Mazzone (even the title said so).... if you are not aware, Mazzone and Scorpion were almost identical frames, enough so the only way to tell the difference was through the direction of Lacing in the sides, the size of radius at the famous rear bend and the "V" engine Brace.... I was in total belief I had a rare 4 seater Mazzone, his first response was "Sweet Scorpion!".....:cautious: "What?....." I learned something new that day! When ever I see ads like that SU Ultra light, I laugh. But Ive been there. I think we all have at some point.
When ever I see ads like that SU Ultra light, I laugh. But Ive been there. I think we all have at some point.
And that's it. I DO SU 2 seat ultralight. It's a great car. So many people copy it or have some build claiming to be one and it is definitely not. Just irks me.

Maybe I'll start calling my car an Alumicraft or Funco...smh
And that's it. I DO SU 2 seat ultralight. It's a great car. So many people copy it or have some build claiming to be one and it is definitely not. Just irks me.

Maybe I'll start calling my car an Alumicraft or Funco...smh
While I agree with you as a community, we need to make sure nobody buys a fake Rolex for real Rolex pricing. However, I don't think that the people in TJ selling fake Rolex's for half the price of a real one decreases the worth of your real one.
Just getting the right information out there on how to spot a fake and how to value the fake is important and should be done, even if somebody's feelings get hurt.
At least in this ad several folks already told him it's not an SU. Doesn't seem to bother him enough to edit the ad or make a correction that is noteworthy.

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Being it is a specific ad being talked about does anyone have a link to it and what exactly is the discrepancy?