Safety in the dunes: Emergency Info - where is it???


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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If you've gone to Glamis long enough you've likely had the misfortune of witnessing or even being party to a collision or accident. We play in a pretty remote area and help, other than some basic FA triage, is generally delayed. Thankfully cell coverage has improved and GPS units/apps are commonplace and calling in a bird is a lot easier than it used to be. All of that considered, there's a few steps you can take to improve your mental and physical health, should the unforeseen ever happen to you - medical emergency information ON HAND!

Having the details isn't just for people that have a serious condition, it's for everyone. If/when you or a loved one ever needs medical assistance there is a lot of initial assessment that a first responder or emergency personnel will have to address - this takes time and it's only your time to lose. First responders knowing things like blood type, known allergies, other health related info and emergency contact info can go a long ways towards getting care in time.

Consider having everyone in your riding group keep this type of information on them while out riding in the dunes.

Make your own or check out this one from Tact-Med that comes in a sealed pouch with a cord and dangly thing to hang out of your camelback, door pocket, or wherever to make it visible. I got these for the family and most of our riding group. They won't prevent any injuries but do provide some peace of mind in knowing that if the emergency comes we are better prepared.

