River folks unite. They is coming after us on the water.

Sadly the fight was 40 yrs ago....the left has completely infiltrated and assimilated the NFS and the BLM....there is no hope of changing them at this point, all we can do is use the courts to try to save some of what we have left. 

Is this just a comment time for a fee increase or something more?

Indian tribe already charge $15 parking fee on California side anything within 100’ from shoreline. 

Is this just a comment time for a fee increase or something more?
It turned out that is all that it was..   I was unable to show up at the last minute because of a truck problem..  (long story short steering wheel was shaking violently, and bumping even at low speeds so I limped home instead of to the aquatic center).   Found out the next morning that both my front tires had "separated" due to the heat in LAKE HAVASU..  (bizarre).    

The reason why that thread was posted as something of importance, is because the last time they did something like that with little to no warning they tried to close off a portion of the lake, with intention of moving the goal posts all the way up the refuge..   That was fought off by myself, a few others in the marine industry, and especially Congressman Gosar..   Even after it was over Gosar managed to get the USFWS employees that were responsible for it, either fired or transferred to a less desirable location.  


Sadly the fight was 40 yrs ago....the left has completely infiltrated and assimilated the NFS and the BLM....there is no hope of changing them at this point, all we can do is use the courts to try to save some of what we have left. 
Completely disagree..  As said by the post above, when they came after Havasu, we sent them and their green peace buddies packing in a hurry.  


Thanks for posting more details, allot of our folks are river people in the summer. 
