RIP Free Speech

Well, I'm just gonna have circle back on that one!

🖕 Biden Administration!

Been going on for a while now. Senior Biden officials on his campaign staff demanded that big tech censor certain topics during the election cycle. DNC, MSM, and Big Tech have been colluding for quite some time influence the sheeple and control the narrative.

Why is everyone so worried about this. They will only censor stuff to benefit us, our freedom and our future.

 (I really hope you all can read the sarcasm in that statement)

And they wanted to teach some new BS math that is politically motivated, how is this possible.

I can't believe Biden is still alive, the guy is mental.

Hopefully this will not censored by the DNC.

Biden is a puppet, not even worth blaming him.  Look behind the curtain and you will see who is running this sht show.  Also follow the money...............

How long before they monitor ur txts and FBI starts showing up at ur door? Any txts that are anti-biden, pro 2a, etc will be labeled as extremists....the handwrighting is on the wall.  America is no longer the America you have known.... 

Technology Controls the World. Peace

Will enough people wake up, and realize it's time to take out the trash?

I hope they see this...


I know I spelled Horse wrong!~


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How long before they monitor ur txts and FBI starts showing up at ur door? Any txts that are anti-biden, pro 2a, etc will be labeled as extremists....the handwrighting is on the wall.  America is no longer the America you have known.... 
Meh, this is where it's really headed.  Hint:  it's not the .gov

Inside the Industry That Unmasks People at Scale


Unique IDs linked to phones are supposed to be anonymous. But there’s an entire industry that links them to real people and their address.

Meh, this is where it's really headed.  Hint:  it's not the .gov

Inside the Industry That Unmasks People at Scale


Unique IDs linked to phones are supposed to be anonymous. But there’s an entire industry that links them to real people and their address.
Everything, everyone is traceable.

Current Laws and Practices on how that data is managed or is accessible changes with the times......your data footprint and activity is historical, even new devices, random IP, etc all get linked to you. You cannot hide in today's digital world, the data is always there, somewhere.

I'm still on 3G technology. AT&T tells me my phone will not work past August 22nd. I have to turn it in and get the updated phone. Here we go with tracing Da chEFF! Peace

planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages. The goal is to ensure that people who may have difficulty getting a vaccination because of issues like transportation see those barriers lessened or removed entirely.

What does I think the vaccine sucks have to do with someone not having transportation?
