Recall that DORK!

its amazing how 10 minutes ago the "non biased polls" showed it was neck & neck, & all of a sudden there is a 10% gap in favor of NewScum.  hmmmmmmmmmmmmm smells a little fishy... 

Voted Sunday,but fear/sense another voter fraud…I mean voters that like Newscum coming out. 

Republicans' showing up to vote only to find out they already had?

Dominion voting machines being used?

Hundreds if not 1000's of mail in ballots stolen.

CA sending ballots out of state - my friend who left 2 years ago got one mailed to him in Tennessee.

The Prez & VP campaigning for him - aren't there more pressing issues going on? 

I want him out but I'll be surprised if it happens! 

Republicans' showing up to vote only to find out they already had?

Dominion voting machines being used?

Hundreds if not 1000's of mail in ballots stolen.

CA sending ballots out of state - my friend who left 2 years ago got one mailed to him in Tennessee.

The Prez & VP campaigning for him - aren't there more pressing issues going on? 

I want him out but I'll be surprised if it happens! 
I'll be surprised as well... but we all know what's really going on here!!!

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its amazing how 10 minutes ago the "non biased polls" showed it was neck & neck, & all of a sudden there is a 10% gap in favor of NewScum.  hmmmmmmmmmmmmm smells a little fishy... 

Not really.  The only way Elder gets a sniff of winning is if the Democrats (who have an almost 2 to 1 advantage vs Republicans in registered voters in CA) stayed home.  So far, this doesn't seem to be the case.  Plus, Elder has been outspent  by a brutal margin because he couldn't get the national Republican political machine to step up and help him out financially (ie they don't see his candidacy as  a viable place to spend $$.  Dem $$ stepped up).   All that really happened is that people figured out that it only took 1.5 million signatures to  force a recall, so here we are.  

Here's a post I wrote back in May when Ms Jenner decided to enter the race.  I think it still holds up. We'll see in the morning:

Whole recall is a farce.  Newsome is still pretty popular in the state (unlike Gray Davis back when he was recalled), the Dems have already circled the wagons around him so he won't face a serious challenger from his party, and he's polling double digits ahead of any announced candidate. 

What we'll see is a Crap show with a bunch of serious political pros working behind the scenes to line their pockets . . .
I went in this AM to vote in person, only to be put in front of a machine that prints out a ballot that you still have to put into a box to be submitted. Pretty damn shady of you aske me... 

Early mail in’s are in favor of scum but don’t let the media discourage you.  Tell everyone you know to go vote. That’s what they want to do. Definitely worth a shot so don’t give up. 

Mine and my wifes ballots were dropped off yesterday.... still does not show as "counted"

I went in this AM to vote in person, only to be put in front of a machine that prints out a ballot that you still have to put into a box to be submitted. Pretty damn shady of you aske me... 
same here, print it out walk over and stick it in what looked like a locked iron mountain bin.   
