Quake In La Basin

Emergency alerts went off on our phones while getting ready to head out the door. I grabbed the baby and my wife rounded up the 5 year old and we headed for the front door. Never felt it but noticed some the hanging decorations swaying a bit.

Something I thought about with this one, We have now received quite a few of these emergency alerts before these hit. At first, I was like this is pretty rad as you definitely felt them within a few seconds of the alert. Each one was only a 3.5 or something small. Walls and windows rattle and creak for a few seconds, heart rate rises, waiting for something to really start shaking.

But, I thought today, how many of these alerts for rather small quakes do we receive, then get used to them and start to ignore the alerts?

Maybe they should only send out the alerts for something 5.0 or larger?

I also got these same loud emergency alerts last December in the middle of the night for Tornado Warnings during a storm in Ventura. Scared the crap out of us.
That was a fun one. I was parking for work and my truck was rocking. Nothing like being in a parking structure during an earthquake.
I first felt my recliner start to jiggle, then 3 seconds later, the house jumped and swayed.
No damage, but I did see all the neighbors outside looking around.
Had something like a 2.5 and a 2.8 in NM a couple days ago.... Related?
Emergency alerts went off on our phones while getting ready to head out the door. I grabbed the baby and my wife rounded up the 5 year old and we headed for the front door. Never felt it but noticed some the hanging decorations swaying a bit.

Something I thought about with this one, We have now received quite a few of these emergency alerts before these hit. At first, I was like this is pretty rad as you definitely felt them within a few seconds of the alert. Each one was only a 3.5 or something small. Walls and windows rattle and creak for a few seconds, heart rate rises, waiting for something to really start shaking.

But, I thought today, how many of these alerts for rather small quakes do we receive, then get used to them and start to ignore the alerts?

Maybe they should only send out the alerts for something 5.0 or larger?

I also got these same loud emergency alerts last December in the middle of the night for Tornado Warnings during a storm in Ventura. Scared the crap out of us.
I believe that the alerts have to do with your proximity to the epicenter and how strong it would be felt. Today I was 22 miles from Malibu and go the alert. Other co workers that are in Orange County, did not. Similar experience with the Bakersfield or wherever quake a couple months back.