PSA: Safe Places to Stop


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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This weekend was a great weekend in the dunes. Only minor mechanicals, all made it to camp. But...

It was also the weekend of hanging out on the other side of crests. No less than a dozen groups downhill of the peak. No one up top to warn people on the transition. One group had even set up EZ Ups and had a picnic going in a hollow, surrounded by high dunes, right in the natural transition between. Luckily we pay attention, so no close calls, but the amount of "you can't park there" this weekend was heinous. With the tiny whips everyone runs these days, it's especially heinous.

Please, please, think "can people see me?" before you stop. Don't let your kids play in blinds. Don't park in blinds. If you have a mechanical issue, try not to stop there. If you have to, send someone up top to warn others off.
Getting more and more common, these people usually learn quickly that the quick evasive moves on my part to keep from running into them results in a lot of sand coming there way, sorry guys don't park there ;)
Blows me away. Anytime we have a breakdown we always put someone at the top of the hill to warn other drivers
It was an exceptionally busy weekend in the dunes. We rode 2 times Friday Saturday and Sunday. All three days we dealt with more dune traffic than most weekends. Was quite frustrated with it. The groups were manageable for the most part. It was the single or random 2 car that really got to us.
Only a few out of all the groups really understood hand signals. Most crossed thru our group even as we took an alternative course to avoid them.
It was an exceptionally busy weekend in the dunes. We rode 2 times Friday Saturday and Sunday. All three days we dealt with more dune traffic than most weekends. Was quite frustrated with it. The groups were manageable for the most part. It was the single or random 2 car that really got to us.
Only a few out of all the groups really understood hand signals. Most crossed thru our group even as we took an alternative course to avoid them.
Yeah. I had the same damned Can Am cut across our group not once. Not twice. Three times. Couldn't get away from him.
So many parked in the worst spots and just chilling, not fixing any car that was broken that would remotely warrant stopping where they stopped.

The one time someone was broken down the dune that group had a spotter up top waving their hands to point you to go around.

I did notice a lot of the larger groups that we crossed paths with used hand signals to let you know how many were behind and the last person let you know they were the last person.

Only place we would run into other groups was when you go closer to Olds and some of the dunes near Sunset Hill. Otherwise no issues and the dunes were epic on Thursday, Friday morning before the crazy winds, and all day Saturday.
It was an exceptionally busy weekend in the dunes. We rode 2 times Friday Saturday and Sunday. All three days we dealt with more dune traffic than most weekends. Was quite frustrated with it. The groups were manageable for the most part. It was the single or random 2 car that really got to us.
Only a few out of all the groups really understood hand signals. Most crossed thru our group even as we took an alternative course to avoid them.
Come back out this weekend with us.
Be back out Thursday night. Funco regatta this weekend. Doing another 10 day trip. Plans to have 60 days in glamis this season. Fingers crossed.
Anyone look at the weather coming up. Sheeeeshh. 90 degrees and counting.
I'm coming back out tomorrow morning thru Friday. Going to try to park on Gecko.