Presidential debate

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    Votes: 22 66.7%
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    Votes: 7 21.2%
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    Votes: 4 12.1%

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Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I don't want this to get political,  I'm more curious if anyone is interested in seeing Trump and her-a.s.s in a "debate"?  

My2c....  why....  all they do is call each other liars, lie about what they have done, and make promises they won't keep.  

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Kamela is NOT good in a non scripted environment. If Trump could stay focused and not fall for her traps....he could expose her, but I don't trust any of the media any more to do anything other than prop her up.

I guarantee that her game plan is to get Trump to lose his chit. That's all she needs to do...

All Trump has to do is keep his chit together. 

I got 50 on Kamala...😆

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Trump has so much postive to talk about from when he was president.  He should try and stay on point of what it was like, pre covid.  But definitely drill her about the BLM riots and her support of them.

0.00 interest. The more he talks, the higher the probability of a Hoof-N-Mouth disaster unfolding.

Only interested in a debate if they are forced to actually answer the questions and actually discuss policy.   If it is going to be name calling and dodging questions it is a complete waste of time.  

The art of debating has been lost with these politicians. 

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I'll probably start it then 5 minutes later realize what a sh*t show it is and turn it off!

Trump needs to just answer the questions and like stated above...rely on the positives from his Presidency!

Stop with the BS, but he can't do it! He will LOSE this fight because of that.

It's so sad...these are the only 2 people we have to run this country out of 300,000,000 


I wish Josh Hawley would run, Candice Owens as VP and bring back Kayla Mceneny for Press Secretary!


Super interesting.  Thanks folks.  
