Prepare y0reselves!

If this even remotely happens, I will no longer reside in the US.  

Starting to notice a strategy by the Democrats.

They ask for something so outlandish to create divide, then they act like they're saints for taking something lesser. (which is all they wanted all along.)

This is just another way for them to create a pathway to citizenship, they won't get the money but they'll get the citizenship.

Otherwise, I hope some of the border states start levying fines of 500,000 for crossing illegally. Retroactively of course. 😆

several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma....

Come to America, free rides and compensation for being a victim while we save yore ass...

Such  :bss: ...

several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma....

Come to America, free rides and compensation for being a victim while we save yore ass...

Such  :bss: ...
i wonder if they are filing law suits for them to their home country's for the lasting trauma as well being they had it so bad they had no choice but come here. when are they going to realize 90 percent of them come here make money and send it out of the country and return back there after the either have enough money to semi retire or get in trouble 

Some Emme Effers just need shot in the face.
Once there are no more homeless Americans on our streets, no more trash on our roads, no more graffiti on our walls, then yes, maybe help out those less fortunate.

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I'm pretty sure the family "separation" was voluntary. When they caught "family units" at the border, they couldn't hold the kids due to a court order. So they told them that the parents would be held while the kids were released OR  the whole family could just be sent back where they came from together. They did not have to choose separation.

Every week it is some BS like this. They just keep gaslighting the right and keep us talking crap about dumb stuff. We all need to stop and look at this objectively and realize we are being played in a humongous game. Just don’t play the game. FJB.

Look how quickly everything is going to crap since Biden has been at the helm. Sad thing is if we impeach his ass, the real ass behind all of this will really be in charge! So screwed.

The pee pee punches keep coming from this administration…

I must have a fallen into a coma and this is just on e never ending nightmare. 

My wife's first response... "Where can we go?"
Costa Rica, if you can.

If TN ever changes to the point it begins to turn into CA, we’re leaving for Costa Rica or Cabo.  I have Mexican citizenship so it would be a bit easier for me.
