Powersteering bleeding issues


New member
May 5, 2021
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I've tried multiple times to bleed my powersterring its not working I had to replace a line and it just won't bleed out I've followed the directions from howe and it's not working. Is there anyone near ramona who might know what they are doing with these and could come by and give me a hand I'm done trying. I'll buy you a bottle or a 30pack 

When I replaced the filter on mine I found out that my new filter had an anti-drainback valve that the old one did not have.  its important because the reservoir was plumbed backwards & it was trying to suck against the anti-drainback valve.............  switched it around & it bled almost instantly........ 


I've tried multiple times to bleed my powersterring its not working I had to replace a line and it just won't bleed out I've followed the directions from howe and it's not working. Is there anyone near ramona who might know what they are doing with these and could come by and give me a hand I'm done trying. I'll buy you a bottle or a 30pack 
What's your setup?

When you started it, was there foam in the reservoir?  Tried cycling the steering a whole bunch with the engine and cap off?  Accessories with low mounted PS pump where the reservoir might be below the torque generator/rack when jacked up and running?

Once there's foam/small bubbles in the fluid, you're pretty much hosed for a while, and will need to cycle the steering with the engine off a bit at a time until no foam/bubbles, then start bleeding over.  Make sure the reservoir is above the rack.

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Should drip unless it's a cut line and collapsing, no?
Not necessarily.  It's not uncommon for cars with soft hose suction lines, that have hardened over the years, to seal fine with static pressure.  Once negative pressure is applied, pump sucking, it can draw air past the clamping surface.  When I was still wrenching, if I was rebuilding a PS pump, it got a new suction line and clamps.

I replaced my hydraulic slave and low and behold, it was defective.  Kartec sent me a new one.  Bled fine and works great.

Not necessarily.  It's not uncommon for cars with soft hose suction lines, that have hardened over the years, to seal fine with static pressure.  Once negative pressure is applied, pump sucking, it can draw air past the clamping surface.  When I was still wrenching, if I was rebuilding a PS pump, it got a new suction line and clamps.

Either way, tiny bubbles in the fluid will say there's a problem somewhere.

When you started it, was there foam in the reservoir?  Tried cycling the steering a whole bunch with the engine and cap off?  Accessories with low mounted PS pump where the reservoir might be below the torque generator/rack when jacked up and running?

Once there's foam/small bubbles in the fluid, you're pretty much hosed for a while, and will need to cycle the steering with the engine off a bit at a time until no foam/bubbles, then start bleeding over.  Make sure the reservoir is above the rack.
I'll give it another go today and see what happens 


Either way, tiny bubbles in the fluid will say there's a problem somewhere.
Havnt noticed any bubbles but ill check over it again today as I will try this one more time.. 

When I had to bleed my pump, I used a drill to turn the pump slowly, and then cycle the steering slowly full lock to full lock while the pump is turning.

I can't take credit for this working because J Alper suggested it and it worked beautifully.

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Not necessarily.  It's not uncommon for cars with soft hose suction lines, that have hardened over the years, to seal fine with static pressure.  Once negative pressure is applied, pump sucking, it can draw air past the clamping surface.  When I was still wrenching, if I was rebuilding a PS pump, it got a new suction line and clamps.
This was my exact issue when I got my car together, I had 2 different brands of AN fittings and they didn't mesh well together.  There was almost no leaking from the suction side right before the pump when the car wasn't running but when it was running it was sucking air and making all kinds of noise.  Changed the fittings to a different setup and all was good after that.
