Possible Generator Ban

It is not just generators; it is all equipment with a horsepower rating of less than 26 horsepower.

Includes golf carts as well.........................read an article next week that other states are considering it as well.

Fine example how the legislatures can’t simply right a bill that bans gas mowers and leaf blowers.  That have to write it so poorly it effects everything.  

Fine example how the legislatures can’t simply right a bill that bans gas mowers and leaf blowers.  That have to write it so poorly it effects everything.  
The wording is by design, make folks spend time, effort and money to get their “ portable global warmers” exempted.

Yeah just like the other small engine one for gardening equipment. It stops the "SALE of NEW" equipment that doesn't meet the new CARB requirements of being zero emissions or battery... All the OLD stuff will be fine till supply or repair parts runs out (10yr from manufacture date typically).

Almost a good business venture to start buying up anything old and good for repair, but just on the other side of the CA border....


Hate this crap.

If they have a generator use ban, I will just start the moho and charge the batteries on the alternator.  That should keep global warming in check.  Effing dumbasses.

This is affecting the cities as well.

jaws of life and other brands of rescue tools are now battery operated.

two cities in so cal have electric fire trucks being built, the first one will arrive first quarter of 2022, should be pretty fun to deal with

I'm so glad I fled from Cali 11 years ago. Just a bunch of idiots leading/sinking that state.

This is affecting the cities as well.

jaws of life and other brands of rescue tools are now battery operated.

two cities in so cal have electric fire trucks being built, the first one will arrive first quarter of 2022, should be pretty fun to deal with
Wtf are they going to do when the trucks have to go from fire to fire.....  

If looking to start a business in a few years. A great one would be to start up a business in a town that boarders California, that sells gas powered small engine equipment like lawnmowers, weed whips, chain saws, blowers, generators, water pumps etc. 

Locations could be in Yuma I-8, Ehrenburg I-10, Parker, Havasu, 95, or Primm I-15. 

Buy all your equipment in AZ and bring it back. No law says you can’t possess or use it, just can’t sell or buy in California. 

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Shoot............ setup a booth in Glamis.  We have all seen how busy Joe Fab is...
