Photos Before Glamis Crash? Text File?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Hey Guys - I'm sure you're sick of people bringing this up...but the historical data we all want is missed.  Questions for you:

1. IIRC there was a section where the pictures were saved - is that still available?  Is there by chance a way to get a large zip file we can download?  I'd be willing to send a usb stick, external drive, etc...outting the pictures in say a google share would allow you to search for random things..."motor" "blue car" etc.

2. IF pictures were able to be saved - is there by chance a large txt / html / database raw file that essentially has all of the previous posts in it?  I understand getting all of the posts back in order is not an option at this point, but even being able to search a large file via a txt search would be cool.  Same thing - if it is and I can send a USB stick or external drive to get a copy that would be awesome.  I'd try to do something with it and if I was able to make it useful, I'd share of course.  

