Phone app for senior citizens


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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to make a long story short, we are looking @ getting my 97 YO MIL a cell phone.  the problem is that she has a hard time dialing numbers & will have an even harder time learning & navigating a cell phone. I found these kinds of phones, but have had issues getting them hooked up to our networks.  they all say "compatible with ATT, verizon" etc, but when you take them to the store they dont work.

Does anyone have first hand information on an app that does something like this???  click on a picture of the person & push "call".


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She is a VERY social person and talks non stop.  Being able to call and talk with hwr friends is important for her.  

She is in a care home, so safety is not a concern.  

that is what we had @ her old house, except it was the amplified version with the BIG buttons.  the problem is the new house only has COX in her area & those idiots could not fall out of a boat & hit water.  we have been trying for 2 weeks to get something done through them & they just cant manage to give us the same answer twice (& none of them work).  HATE them.........

this is kind of like what we had.


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iPhone has Assistive Access Mode:

Which looks very similar.


And can even do things to limit incoming calls, etc, to reduce scam calls:


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The scam calls thing would be super helpful.   

My BIL has iPhone stuff, I will chat with him about it... 

The scam calls thing would be super helpful.   

My BIL has iPhone stuff, I will chat with him about it... 
I have a 12 that has a pathetically small battery capacity (perfectly fine for just calling) you're welcome to have.  LMK

@Rockwood, thanks, I appreciate it.  I will run this by the daughters & see where their heads are at. 

stress level is in "ludicrous mode"...........  It would appear you cant have 3 type A's & one golden retriever all making decisions @ one time.  LOL.

& careful......................  you keep being helpful & folks might get the wrong idea..........

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Only way @Rockwood can see the phone :lmao:

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I have to turn it sideways.  Because Asian. :biggrin:

Speaking of, just went to the optometrist yesterday. "Read the smallest print on the card." 

Read off the super tiny manufacturer's print you're not supposed to read on the card... :biggrin:
