Paisas raid WildBill’s place…

Stupid POS's!

Someone should have stolen her bag...waited till the next day or later that night and poured it all back in the pot!

Effing people SUCK!

All for an effing couple bags of candy that you can buy today at the store for a couple of bucks.  Did these idiots not think that virtually every nice house has security cameras ? ? ?  Hopefully the Internet Police track them down and name them so we can pile on . . .

They don't f'n care...they are chit human beings...and they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.....they need to have a few teeth knocked out. Unfortunately, nothing will happen to them. 

     I'm going out on a limb here and say these are not "paisas" sorry hermano. The specific dialect they used is none I recognize so I had to look the video up and confirm my suspicion with all the comments. These seem like the south americans that are just being  let in by the hundreds of thousands unfortunately.  


comments also said they returned all of the candy with a letter of apology and request to take the video down. Ha! The irony! LOL No can't do! 
