Paddle tires backwards?


Nov 3, 2021
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I have 1300 plus #2 cut with every-other paddle. Works great, but I've been curious if I'll get more spin/slide if I flip them. Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?

The car behind mine has #1 cut with every-third paddle and he seems to have more spin/slide. Granted, I have a 4 seater and his is a 2 seater so there'll be some obvious differences.


:classic_ninja:  Knew a guy who wasn't paying attention while putting his paddles on and did it by accident once.  Car was crazy loose in the dunes. Spent more time than usual driving out of the passengers side of the car.  Not sure about the amount of wheel spin but dam that car wanted to come around on that guy 

What are you trying to accomplish? You said it works great.. Just put more air in them if you want to spin more. 

I'm running 18psi in same tire and it get plenty loose and slides.

Used to work on the old little atc's when you tried to use a paddle tire on them 🙄 flip them from side to side and try it. Nothing to lose, if it don't work change them back

Bump to 24 psi, you will be loose and save your trans lol

I say try it and see what you think - it only takes 10 minutes to swap and gives you a project on your next trip...try higher PSI vs paddle direction.

I've never liked sliding in a car...makes me feel like I'm out of control.  I loved it on a 3 wheeler, just not the same in a car for me. 
