Old Tires


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May 6, 2021
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What's the opinions on running near new condition 15 year old paddles?

The passed 3 seasons I've gone through a set. I tell myself every year I'm gonna just buy new ones but I find a good deal on older paddles. Guess I have 3 more seasons before it finally adds up to a new set. Doesn't matter how "new" they look, at the end of the season they are missing half of the paddles.

Problem I had one time is the carcass came apart on the inside of a 15 year old tire-looked great otherwise.....

I think it depends on how they were stored?  Indoors and out of the sun??

pretty sure the tires on my VW buggy are 25+ years old and doing just fine. 

mine are that old, going to use them soon, they look great btw.

I will hope for the best and if you dont here from me then all is good

20.00/15 stu, 2500lb car


I think it depends on how they were stored?  Indoors and out of the sun??

pretty sure the tires on my VW buggy are 25+ years old and doing just fine. 
x2, always inside, off the ground

I have a set of 13.5 hole shots paddles from 2003 I ran them over thanksgiving still hold air. Iv kept them in the garage and try to keep them full during the off season 

i ran my old extreme dominator 38's till they came apart. bought a new set just before they quit making them.

I run extreme hole shots that are from 2001, they all have a slow leaks but still hold together. Surface cracks everywhere but still haven’t blown apart. I’m pretty sure they sat for 10 years In a guys shop though, I’d imagine indoor Bs outdoor storage would have the biggest impact. 

What's the opinions on running near new condition 15 year old paddles?
Run em.

When they start coming apart, then get new ones. 

My last car had 12 year old tires, still held air for weeks before bleeding down.
