November DOTM nominations


May 2, 2021
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Who’s your nomination for DOTM?  Remember this is duners helping duners. 

Year after year it is always the people out in front who put on the Vet Ceremony and year after year they rightfully win every year.  I say this year we nominate each and everyone of them who behind the scenes or are just roped into willing or not spending that weekend helping out. There are so many more then just Hozay who not only need to be recognized but mentioned. No vote needed.

I say let @HozayKwarvo begin the naming of names.

I say Hozay.. Not only did he put on a Great ceremony He was Out Helping a fellow duner the Night Before the ceremony get out of the Dunes.. He earned it for sure

well, if your really desperate, I will throw my hat in.  LOL. 

Yea, I think Nov is pretty much sowed up ever year by the Vets folks.  its freaken awesome every year & Im super excited for next year.  ;^)
