November DOTM nominations


May 2, 2021
Reaction score
Let’s hear you November DOTM nominations.  

Duh   :lol:

Glamis Vet's @HozayKwarvo and all the ppl the volunteered their time to help with the ceremony.  I'm sure there are some ppl that do not realize how much that goes into that day.    

Also to all that donated to the non profit...  Without all of you Glamis Veterans would not be able to do what they do.  Along with all the Big Plans Brian has in store.

What She Said!!!  100 percent

Brian and ALL his elfs knocked it out of the park / this is Always been my favorite weekend! Glamis Vets has done a seamless transition to  an incredible ceremony!!!

thank you to ALL that made it happen!

you guys ROCK :poule:

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Weekend before Thanksgiving, our group is out in the dunes near-ish to China Wall on the Washes side.  Next dune set over, we see the ass end of a RZR pointed at the sky (rollover) and head over to help out.  Group quickly rights the vehicle on the side and makes sure the man and woman inside are okay.  Once righted, we're greeted with a passenger front tire stuffed into the plastics, broken control arms, axle, tie rod and ball joints and the RZR's only companion is a quad.

We set the suspension up to tri-pod it out and start rolling.  Nick graciously offers up his passenger seat for the woman to ride in and we head out towards the washes.  About 2 dune sets in, one of our group buries his buggy to the frame and we have to stop to dig him out.  @Nickman123 stays with the RZR and gets him unstuck at least 3-4 times based on the spotty radio conversations we're having to get the RZR out to Wash 6 where we were camped.

This isn't the first time we've rescued someone in the dunes with a breakdown, but Nick went above and beyond to help a fellow duner out to safety. Always sucks to give up hours of good riding time, but leaving people out there to fend for themselves isn't what we do.

Today’s the last day to get your nominations in.  Thanks 

Hozay deserves it no doubt and so do the people who volunteer to help him each year. These people are by far the creme of the crop.  There is another group though that didn't get asked IF they want to help they are just expected to help out, plus they have to live with Hozay day in and day out.

I nominate Christie ( Sandy Cheeks and the Boys)  They didn't get a choice they just do it any way.
