Northstar power

May 3, 2023
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Thanks for the add. I recently purchased an older Tatum with a Northstar engine. It's been sitting in a garage for the last 5-6 years and hasn't been started for about 2 years. My question is, does anybody else out there have that engine in their car? Do they have plenty of power? Are they dependable? Easy to upgrade? Should I just swap it for an LS? I don't need tons of power but I definately want to have fun. Thank you in advance.

What were you driving previous to the Northstar? I have one in my car and it's definitely got more power than the Honda I was running in my previous car. Seems dependable enough, but I have had a few instances of being left without a working fuel pump. Pretty sure that was the result of an old relay that took me a while to discover, not necessarily a reflection of the motor itself. I don't think they are easy to upgrade as almost all of the aftermarket stuff has switched over to the LS motors, although with an unlimited budget I'm sure you can get anything upgraded. My plan is to run this as long as I can but if the time comes that the motor needs serious money I'm going to swap in a LS.

Thanks for your reply. My previous car was 4.3 Chevy v6 powered, I'm hoping the Northstar has considerably more hp. Also, I wanted long travel instead of a beam. I've been trying to get some info on the car directly from Tatum but they don't seem to respond to emails. I live in Mexico but I'm going to haul the car up to Fort Mohave, AZ to my daughter's house to work on it. Really hard to get parts down here and, she has an air conditioned garage!

Thanks for your reply. My previous car was 4.3 Chevy v6 powered, I'm hoping the Northstar has considerably more hp. Also, I wanted long travel instead of a beam. I've been trying to get some info on the car directly from Tatum but they don't seem to respond to emails. I live in Mexico but I'm going to haul the car up to Fort Mohave, AZ to my daughter's house to work on it. Really hard to get parts down here and, she has an air conditioned garage!
Run it until is breaks, if you were happy with the performance swap in another NS. If you want more power switch to an LS, don’t spend money to try and turn the NS into something it isn’t.
