No more hangovers! - ABC


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Approximately 5-7 years ago (not like I know the date), ... the good Lord decided to bless me with no more hang overs (in the traditional sense)... doesn't matter how much I have, if I mix different type of booze or what I eat or don't eat.. I haven't had a headache or any kind of stomach ache, .. no more hugging the toilet for a day.. no puking,... 

I have no rational explanation for this ...

Not like I'm eating tons of fruit, IV or Gatorade... Very odd, but much appreciated.

Please remember to tip your waitress...

Anyhow, happy Friday!



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I don’t have them either…. Ever, But then come to think of it, never had one in my entire life. Made it 41 years without drinking…. I think I’ll just keep it going another 41. 😂 Until then…. Drink up boys, I enjoy the show


I hate vomit an the feeling before, during and after.

.. Let's hear it.
I have a few, actually.

1. You don't party quite as hard as you used to. I think this is why I too no longer get hangovers.

2. You drink some water along the way, which maybe is a recent development.

3. A hangover headache is caused by dehydration, allowing the spinal fluid to decrease, allowing the brain to rattle around. But if there is a loss of brain...   there's no rattling. Do you recall any rollover wrecks without a helmet about 5-7 yrs ago?


No I was always a big helmet guy. That being said I've had many concussions and definitely have issues with my memory (multiple reasons for this)...

I have always drank a lot of water during the night, probably 16-24 ounces. .. maybe you have something with 'didn't party as hard.'... it's just very hard for me to get to black out.. takes at least 6-8 hours of drinking.. need to get back to my Gin or Vodka.. too much beer is making me fat.

I haven't take any kind of pain killer (prescription or over the counter) for many years. 

Anyway, back to the vaccine and Speed thread sh__ show currently in progress.. 



No I was always a big helmet guy. That being said I've had many concussions and definitely have issues with my memory (multiple reasons for this)...

I have always drank a lot of water during the night, probably 16-24 ounces. .. maybe you have something with 'didn't party as hard.'... it's just very hard for me to get to black out.. takes at least 6-8 hours of drinking.. need to get back to my Gin or Vodka.. too much beer is making me fat.

I haven't take any kind of pain killer (prescription or over the counter) for many years. 

Anyway, back to the vaccine and Speed thread sh__ show currently in progress.. 


Do you or did you ever smoke ? If so curious when you quit ? 

 I have a few buddies that only have that brutal headaches if they smoke while drinking. I have not had a headache from drinking in 30+ years but last time I was hanging out with family drinking whiskey and after about two hours of second hand cigar and cig smoke gave me a brutal headache that night and the next day. 

My 86 year old father had migraines from his teens until he quit smoking at age 40. He never drinks much but used to say drinking gave him  headaches the next day.

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My hangovers quit 15 or so years ago.

I used to have brutal seasonal allergies as a kid and young adult.  My mom started working for a guy that made a ton of money on bee products.  He praised the health effects of bee raw pollen, and would give my mom gallon bags of it.  I would take a teaspoon every morning.  Shortly after my allergies went away, and so did my hangovers..

Haven't done the pollen regiment in a few years, but allergies and hangovers are still gone.  My GF is not a fan of my lack of hangovers....LOL

Do you or did you ever smoke ? If so curious when you quit ? 

 I have a few buddies that only have that brutal headaches if they smoke while drinking. I have not had a headache from drinking in 30+ years but last time I was hanging out with family drinking whiskey and after about two hours of second hand cigar and cig smoke gave me a brutal headache that night and the next day. 

My 86 year old father had migraines from his teens until he quit smoking at age 40. He never drinks much but used to say drinking gave him  headaches the next day.
No .. fortunatel I'm like allergic to nicotine and opiods.. both make me really really ill. Did do the cigar thing for a while and always regretted it the next day.

My hangovers quit 15 or so years ago.

I used to have brutal seasonal allergies as a kid and young adult.  My mom started working for a guy that made a ton of money on bee products.  He praised the health effects of bee raw pollen, and would give my mom gallon bags of it.  I would take a teaspoon every morning.  Shortly after my allergies went away, and so did my hangovers..

Haven't done the pollen regiment in a few years, but allergies and hangovers are still gone.  My GF is not a fan of my lack of hangovers....LOL
Yeah.. my wife probably isn't either.. she's a 'normie' and can nurse a single glass of wine all night,.. not even finish it. She probably gets actually drunk maybe once a month hanging with her friends/concert, etc.

i actually stopped drinking because of the hangovers. im 40, in good shape eat well, water is basically all i drink on a normal basis. bad hangovers started about 35, after my last concussion about 2 years ago i noticed my hangovers felt even worse. not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.  throwing up the next day, cant really be productive at all. drinking is not worth the hangover.  but since something else is legal in CA i switched to that. 
