
New member
Jun 18, 2021
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Busy Chevron station in North Hollywood has signs posted that read: NO GAS

Hopefully this does not become a trend.

The next toilet paper….before you know it’s going to be Mad Max! 

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Problem is you don't need a whole lot of it to start the dominoes falling. Just enough to give people the impression that shortages are coming. Then everyone starts hoarding and you get real shortages.

There never was an actual shortage of toilet paper.

The next toilet paper….before you know it’s going to be Mad Max! 
lets put it this way, get your turkey now, wait and they are all gone. we had 11k cases on hand last week, 400 left in our dc.

tp has been a hot topic, and most paper companies do have us on allocations so it may be on the way again lol.

On the Friday going into the  Columbus weekend the Gas Station at Toms Well road in AZ. ( just inside the Az. boarder) ran out of Diesel and Super at just about the same time.  The truck driver shortage was blamed not the lack of fuel, just the inability to get it there. The day before I drove the I-10 early in the AM and every off-ramp and on-ramp, every rest stop and every inch that a truck could park had a truck parked.  Plus the truck traffic was not what I would call light.  Not sure what we are going to do if they put a lot more trucks on the road.

Not sure the inflation is artificial.  Print enough effing dollars, and prices will rise.
I didn't say it's not happening, it's all created by the politicians not driven by the market. It's being artificially instigated and created. It is absolutely artificial. 
