No big deal...nothing to see here.


So wrong pew-taux, it's crazy what is going on!

I hope all is well with you!


Look at the Doctors business card. PRACTICING! Peace

Why I'm going to "immunize" my kids against a disease they have a 1 in 20M chance of succumbing to is beyond me.
me and my daughter got it in september she is 10, she was sick for about a day and a half, some Tylenol to help the fever and she was good. 

also i was fully vaxed since april, covid hit me pretty hard. i really wanted the shot when it came out i even found a way in the first teir of people because part of what my company does is medical billing.. i got covid pretty much exactly 5 months after i got my second shot. its not fun at all. drs thought it was just a bad sinus infection at first since i was vaxed and didnt have all the covid symptoms. maybe the vaccine made the illness not as bad and kept me out of the hospital or maybe it didnt do anything i have no idea. if it did help at all im still glad i got it. as for my daughter i really dont want her to get it. she now has the natural immunity from having covid and she has been worse from a simple flu than from covid. just have to wait and see how the mandates for schools play out. im not anti vax but i dont like the mandate but if it comes down to her education or a shot then she will get the shot.   

vaxing kids is just irresponsible kids dont have severe reactions to this.    my son had a blood clot in his brain and in a induced coma  when he was 5 he will never get a shot that has a history of blod clots. as for me i feel like ill take my chances also my mom had a stroke when she was young so there might be some family issues with clotting so no shot for me either 
