Newsom DeSantis Debate....Did you watch it?

Those two need to get it over with and either eff or fight.. This was just a pee pee measuring contest..

It's getting old watching blowhards trying to one-up each other. I start tuning out when they're talking over each other..

This is the problem with Politics these's a he said she said pissing match and not about what is best for the Amercian People!

I effing hate Politicians

They all suck and they all are corrupt! But all the DEMS are just beyond corrupt at this point. Eff NewSCUM.

EFF Them all!

As some may know I liquidated everything in Cali 15 years ago, rented a house for 4 years and officially bailed 11 years ago.

I was involved in political shiz advocating on behalf of non-union contractors that were / are being denied opportunity on taxpayer funded work.

What you are currently seeing is totally by design and has been in the works since the creation of CARB. Brilliant actually, setting policy via an appointed government board bypassing the pesky voting process under the guise of protecting the environment green lit redistribution of wealth, union monopolies on taxpayer funded work and gave the public a boogeyman, the rich.

The ability to move the goalposts, message of owed victim status coupled with the firm belief in reward regardless of effort is a winning hand held by a supermajority state legislature.

Governance via bumper sticker one liners, “hey look over there” and the concept of equity is sexy to a certain demographic, the problem being that demographic can’t survive without subsidization from the very folks that have been identified as “the problem.”

Cliff notes, “disgruntled angry old guy shakes fist at a cloud yelling get off my lawn!”

As some may know I liquidated everything in Cali 15 years ago, rented a house for 4 years and officially bailed 11 years ago.

I was involved in political shiz advocating on behalf of non-union contractors that were / are being denied opportunity on taxpayer funded work.

What you are currently seeing is totally by design and has been in the works since the creation of CARB. Brilliant actually, setting policy via an appointed government board bypassing the pesky voting process under the guise of protecting the environment green lit redistribution of wealth, union monopolies on taxpayer funded work and gave the public a boogeyman, the rich.

The ability to move the goalposts, message of owed victim status coupled with the firm belief in reward regardless of effort is a winning hand held by a supermajority state legislature.

Governance via bumper sticker one liners, “hey look over there” and the concept of equity is sexy to a certain demographic, the problem being that demographic can’t survive without subsidization from the very folks that have been identified as “the problem.”

Cliff notes, “disgruntled angry old guy shakes fist at a cloud yelling get off my lawn!”
I'm still trying to figure it out w/o ruining everything I've worked for.

As some may know I liquidated everything in Cali 15 years ago, rented a house for 4 years and officially bailed 11 years ago.

I was involved in political shiz advocating on behalf of non-union contractors that were / are being denied opportunity on taxpayer funded work.

What you are currently seeing is totally by design and has been in the works since the creation of CARB. Brilliant actually, setting policy via an appointed government board bypassing the pesky voting process under the guise of protecting the environment green lit redistribution of wealth, union monopolies on taxpayer funded work and gave the public a boogeyman, the rich.

The ability to move the goalposts, message of owed victim status coupled with the firm belief in reward regardless of effort is a winning hand held by a supermajority state legislature.

Governance via bumper sticker one liners, “hey look over there” and the concept of equity is sexy to a certain demographic, the problem being that demographic can’t survive without subsidization from the very folks that have been identified as “the problem.”

Cliff notes, “disgruntled angry old guy shakes fist at a cloud yelling get off my lawn!”
I sold my company, retired and left as well primarily due to CARB and DIR regulations getting under my skin on the daily. Also don't want to get old in an area with a drastically increasing population of walking dead in the streets. As a country I can only hope people will vote on accomplishments or lack there of and not on charisma and BS but I'm loosing faith... 

It's gonna be ok guys...the Dems just introduced their Amnesty for 45 million illegals....once they get to vote it will be ok. 

I wish moderators had an off switch and when the debaters start going off topic or attacking each other, they just switch their mics off.  

We need to regain civility if we are ever going to fix things.

but I agree with il-legit and dbart.

they just switch their mics off.  

We need to regain civility if we are ever going to fix things.

but I agree with il-legit and dbart.

I agree too @Mac Peace

didnt even care to watch it. cant stand newsome and i dont care what desantis has to say.  What was the end game of the debate? was something accomplished?  the dems are going to say newsome is great wiped the floor with desantis and the republicans are going to say the same about their guy. 

The question really remains, do the people that have swing votes move one side or another, none of us on his site are moving from one side or another.

Well, seeing as none of them will be on the ballot next year I don't think it matters much.  I mean, do we really need to encourage random politicians who aren't running against each other to randomly stage public debates?  Seems like an answer to a question that should not have been asked.

Well, seeing as none of them will be on the ballot next year I don't think it matters much.  I mean, do we really need to encourage random politicians who aren't running against each other to randomly stage public debates?  Seems like an answer to a question that should not have been asked.
I see a coordinated strategy here, keep Biden on the throne with the full support of his #1 threat to the Democrat nomination Newsome. Get close enough to the next election where it’s too late for a primary election to chose another Democrat candidate and have Biden declare a “health emergency.”

In a heartfelt news conference Joe tearfully declares victory regarding his accomplishments but he’s done his duty in righting the ship so it’s time to dedicate himself to his family. He’ll “be there to guide / advise the new generation in continuing the great strides we’ve made towards a bottom up / middle out democracy where everyone has a voice.”

Gavin reluctantly accepts the nomination after turning it down twice saying “his duty is to the people of California.” Gavin finally accepts the nomination after pleas from a coalition of key Democrats, union figureheads and social justice advocates by rationalizing that he “could do more for the people of California by sitting in the Oval Office.”

Part of the deal is Gavin setting up Kamala as a future presidential candidate.

That is all.

I learned that desantis is actually a pretty good debater.  I learned that newscum has had a very priveledged life and used to talking 'to' people.  Desantis military training definitely showed IMO. Gavin seemed shocked when he didn't have a completely silent stage for his lies..... Desantis was like a bulldog, except at the end it seemed like he was really pouring it on too much.

I see a coordinated strategy here, keep Biden on the throne with the full support of his #1 threat to the Democrat nomination Newsome. Get close enough to the next election where it’s too late for a primary election to chose another Democrat candidate and have Biden declare a “health emergency.”

In a heartfelt news conference Joe tearfully declares victory regarding his accomplishments but he’s done his duty in righting the ship so it’s time to dedicate himself to his family. He’ll “be there to guide / advise the new generation in continuing the great strides we’ve made towards a bottom up / middle out democracy where everyone has a voice.”

Gavin reluctantly accepts the nomination after turning it down twice saying “his duty is to the people of California.” Gavin finally accepts the nomination after pleas from a coalition of key Democrats, union figureheads and social justice advocates by rationalizing that he “could do more for the people of California by sitting in the Oval Office.”

Part of the deal is Gavin setting up Kamala as a future presidential candidate.

That is all.
I fear you are correct, but pray you are not
