New Ford T-case


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May 9, 2021
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So, I jumped in one of the sales guys new company truck, 2021 F250 PSD 4x4 (must be nice..), and noticed the 4wheel selector looks like it does front digs.  WTF?


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So, I jumped in one of the sales guys new company truck, 2021 F250 PSD 4x4 (must be nice..), and noticed the 4wheel selector looks like it does front digs.  WTF?

View attachment 18099


Not a Ford guy, and our "parts truck" is 4x2.

Not a Ford guy, and our "parts truck" is 4x2.
I assumed it was a joke.  It's pull to over-ride or engage the rear e-locker, I forget which... not a Ford guy either.


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I assumed it was a joke.  It's pull to engage the rear locker.

Well...that's F'n special ed.  X would suggest disconnected, not FULLY connected.  I guess they were trying to say doesn't differentiate.. :bangin:

Well...that's F'n special ed.  X would suggest disconnected, not FULLY connected.  I guess they were trying to say doesn't differentiate.. :bangin:
Again, not a Ford guy either so I could be wrong here, but I think that's why it's an over-ride (I edited my post above just after I submitted and the hamster got back on the wheel in the old noggin').  I think the computer controls the locker based on speed, terrain mode selection, and probably eleventeen zilliondy other inputs.  However, you can use the over-ride to keep it from engaging, hence the "X".  


Pull to engage rear electric locker, you can do it in 2wd too. 

Dont worry about that knob. Wont work in 4-5 years anyways
