Need some business advice


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I have an employee that was hired 3.5 years ago. She hasn’t followed through with anything she said she would. She’s a minority, so it looks good that we hired her but she’s cost the company more than we’ve made. She just had a performance review and based on our original contract, may be eligible for a promotion in November. Durring her review, she said if she gets promoted, she would do all the things she promised she would. 

What would you do?

Good advice only, as if everything depends on the right choice.

Promote her, just keep throwing money at her... we told you NOT to hire didn't listen, now you get to pay the price. Likely the damage is already done, she has probably put like minded people in positions to thwart whomever you hire to replace her if you choose to let her go.  Just know she will use every trick in the book to prevent you from getting rid of her. 

I'm not following - "based on our original contract, may be eligible for a promotion " - but you also stated she hasn't followed through with anything...Is your original contract poorly written? 

I'm not following - "based on our original contract, may be eligible for a promotion " - but you also stated she hasn't followed through with anything...Is your original contract poorly written? 
not poorly written, just poorly enforced to uphold the original agreement. 

Try to keep an open mind, but not so much that your brains fall out. 

Some businesses have a HR policy that states what will happen if an employee does X, Y, or Z. On the plantation I work for there is a progressive discipline policy, where repeatedly violating rules or policies results in stiffer and stiffer discipline, which by the HR policy puts you closer and closer to be terminated.  They also have an 'action plan' where you are notified during a sit down meeting that your performance is below expectations. You sign a letter acknowledging that you were told how, why, when your performance was under expectations and that if your performance does not meet expectations you will be terminated. The action plan has an expiration date where upon the expiration date your performance either meets standards or you are still below standards and are terminated. Normally most employees are informally councelled for low performance before the formal 'action plan' is put into place. The 'action plan' is the kiss of death where management has already made up their mind and they are just going thru the formal process to comply with the HR policy. It sounds like she should have been under an action plan 3-3/8 years ago.

Why should an employee that has 'skated' along for 3-1/2 years suddenly feel like they should follow thru with anything they said they would do 3-1/2 years ago? 

Some businesses have a HR policy that states what will happen if an employee does X, Y, or Z. On the plantation I work for there is a progressive discipline policy, where repeatedly violating rules or policies results in stiffer and stiffer discipline, which by the HR policy puts you closer and closer to be terminated.  They also have an 'action plan' where you are notified during a sit down meeting that your performance is below expectations. You sign a letter acknowledging that you were told how, why, when your performance was under expectations and that if your performance does not meet expectations you will be terminated. The action plan has an expiration date where upon the expiration date your performance either meets standards or you are still below standards and are terminated. Normally most employees are informally councelled for low performance before the formal 'action plan' is put into place. The 'action plan' is the kiss of death where management has already made up their mind and they are just going thru the formal process to comply with the HR policy. It sounds like she should have been under an action plan 3-3/8 years ago.

Why should an employee that has 'skated' along for 3-1/2 years suddenly feel like they should follow thru with anything they said they would do 3-1/2 years ago? 
You got the number to the HR department of the President of the United States? :legit:

I almost feel bad that you took this seriously. You gave a well thought out, professional response, thank you! :cheers:

You got the number to the HR department of the President of the United States? :legit:

I almost feel bad that you took this seriously. You gave a well thought out, professional response, thank you! :cheers:
I now see what you did there. To be more accurate next time could you refer to her as "several minorities" instead of "a minority" ?

I've been to that circus, time for a new show.


Give her a list of measurable things to get done by clear deadlines.  If she does them, keep doing that forever, if she does not, can her. 

Is this a private sector job?  Dump her.

I thought you went into a gov job at which I was gonna say, good luck.  She ain't going nowhere.  

Is this a private sector job?  Dump her.

I thought you went into a gov job at which I was gonna say, good luck.  She ain't going nowhere.  
Yeah, this state job is quite the culture shock for's been 6 months, my probation ends this week. Hopefully the retirement is as good as they say..  

Yea, I had nothing. All I knew is that it sounded sooo familiar LOL 

