Nashville School shooting.. Real American Hero.

This video should be on every news channel showing America what our boys in Blue have to be prepared for. Amazing work and zero hesitation from any of them. Great job and I hope they all get the national attention for a job well done they deserve.

Why would you ever want to bring harm to little kids? This hits me a lot harder after having my own. I’m sorry for all the families who lost their children, it makes me sick. 

all these shootings are horrible, kids are so helpless. close the campuses and put armed vets at the front doors. sucks but that's where we are at.

RIP to those kids and adults.

The whole thing makes me sick on so many levels....    And all that will happen is to punish law abiding citizens.   

Cudos to those cops.  They were well trained and did not hesitate to do their jobs and get chit done!!! 

Imo the armed vets is a very viable option.  Not without its complications, buy doable.  Shoot just having them standing at the front door and walking the hells  would stop most of this 

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The whole thing makes me sick on so many levels....    And all that will happen is to punish law abiding citizens.   

Cudos to those cops.  They were well trained and did not hesitate to do their jobs and get chit done!!! 

Imo the armed vets is a very viable option.  Not without its complications, buy doable.  Shoot just having them standing at the front door and walking the hells  would stop most of this 
and possibly straighten up some of the kids!

This shooting will disappear from the news faster than you can say, PC.  Just like every other horrible event that didn't happen by a white male.  Well, conservative white male, because the Paul Pelosi attack is still buried.

Props to the women in the beginning of the video who was able to put out as much information as she could. That is the best thing an innocent bystander can do when there is an emergency situation. Schools/hospitals are large and if someone can help the police narrow down an area, that saves valuable time and valuable time = lives. 

The Uvalde officers and the Stoneman Douglas officer were outliers. Most officers run into conflict, not from it. And the officers who run from it, should find them a new career to not continue to endanger lives.

Sick World we live in.

I've never felt the need to ammo up then these past few years.

the elephant in the room in all these cases is what pharma products have these shooters brains been filled with?  filling her with male hormones/testosterone combined with whatever Prozac/"depression" type prescriptions :classic_wacko:  and the media acts surprised and go straight to the anti gun rhetoric.  every thinking person knows these are key factors and no one will touch the big pharma industrial complex
