Name change!


New member
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
Glad it's back up and running.   I was Mellen_MPZ on my stunt bike forums back in the early 2000s so I used that name for this site when I signed up.   Time to let the name go but in Mellen_ fashion......decided to change it to Mellen_GTX!  Here to 17 more years!


I feel I need a change too, not much dune tracking these days, still hit Dumont twice a year but a lot more desert trail system tracking

I was thinking to myself, are people going to try and take someone's OG name during the new sign up?


I figured I'd stick with what I had....nothing special, but it's me!


Lol my name change came from my last dune season. 

and that’s it’s good of side. 


I wanted Dfart but they wouldnt let me :dbart:
:lmao:  I love the avatar!

That thread has to resurface....   :bag:

Oh and the ones of Yoshi and I going back and forth...Photoshop wars.

Epic fun!

:lmao:  I love the avatar!

That thread has to resurface....   :bag:

Oh and the ones of Yoshi and I going back and forth...Photoshop wars.

Epic fun!
I figured I would start it back off with a bang lol

I have a name change after every marriage. Peace

chEFF likes yamaha now though FYI

Everyone wants to be Da chEFF! Great goal. Can't achieve it. Its like army training Sir. Peace
