My poor buddy


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
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He called me to go to our dunes here in Okla. thursday, he was going friday. I couldn't make it. should have been a sign.

He calls me Thursday night I'm taking my father in law,  boss has the trailer, can I borrow yours? Sure, its a brand new car hauler, I haven't used it yet, 

no problem, come get it, so we meet, I get him hooked up. This should have been a sign.

Friday am I"m on the way to work, high is 80, but winds blowing like 40mph. this too should have been a sign.

Friday at 3pm i get a call, hey do you need your trailer back anytime soon? oh chit, what happened. I wrecked my rzr. launched it, flipped end over end 3 times. I'm thinking he's bs ing me. Well he rolls in at 530 and low and behold, this is what he brings back lol.

Story gets better, I'm giving him chit about running out of talent, just glad he's ok. he has this look in his eye that I knew something was wrong, and I'm like hey man you sure your ok?

he pulls me to the side and says my father in law was driving man. i'll call you later

30 mins later he calls me, says man, he was hauling ass, i kept yelling slow down, slow the eff down, hit this hill and over she went. He said we finally stopped flipping and landed upside down, and my father in law said you were yelling GD you dumb MF i told you to slow down lmmfao.

bloody noses, cuts and scrapes, but they walked away. Don't even let family drive your stuff. 2021 rzr turbo s with 7 hours on it!

guess we will see what insurance says about it, needs a cage, roof, drivers a arm assembly, and a crap ton of plastics from front to back. 


Total bummer.  Glad they are ok though.  Scary. 

Glad they are OK....LOL...watched my Uncle  Rag Doll off a kiddies track he hit going top speed on an ATC200s.

Thank God it was just the 200s  :lol:  yeah he went to Brawley ER / Hospital for the week...

Yeah .. I have 2 now and lost talent once,, the high center of gravity and crazy tire and travel height are not for the novices..,

glad they’re ok


My daughter was crying after a couple of small jumps in the new orange one last trip.. afraid I was gonna roll it again,,, PTSD?..

I had no idea she would be worried.. our ‘roll flop’ was nothing to me… 






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That split second when you realize you just ran out of talent...turns to fear that you are going to hurt your passenger.....I hate that....

i got both the tires that were blown out beads reseated and remounted today. now just need to find out what the next step is.

anyone filed insurance claim on one? he's thinking he should just foot the bill out of pocket, but id' be ore concerned about getting a great set of eyes on it to make sure there's no frame damage. then proceed. if you file a claim, who the heck inspects it? not a body shop, and hopefully not a dealership, that alone would run the cost thru the roof. any ideas

my buddy told me today that he was focused with his eyes open on hanging on to the oh sh!t handle more than anything when he knew they were going over.
My at the time 15 yr old daughter and I rolled our 2 seat SxS on the way to the drags down one of the BIG bowls President's Day 2020. She was smarter than I was. She just held on to the oh sh!t handle and I stuck my hand out to brace myself. My hand got smashed under the bar for the window net. Nothing serious thanks to the forgiveness of the sand just a little pain and swelling but she still had more sense than I did. It was slow mo. We had a conversation during the 6 times we rolled to the bottom of the bowl. It went something like this ”Oh sh!t! When is this going to stop!? Why won't we stop rolling!? OMG, Not again!" It finally did stop on all fours. We got out and dumped the sand out of our helmets, straightened our whip and waited for the rest of our group. Got back in and went to drags like it never happened. The Yamaha YXZs might not be the greatest machines in the suspension department but they're tough. I've rolled that thing a bunch of times and never broke anything. That was our second rollover that weekend.

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My at the time 15 yr old daughter and I rolled our 2 seat SxS on the way to the drags down one of the BIG bowls President's Day 2020. She was smarter than I was. She just held on to the oh sh!t handle and I stuck my hand out to brace myself. My hand got smashed under the bar for the window net. Nothing serious thanks to the forgiveness of the sand just a little pain and swelling but she still had more sense than I did. It was slow mo. We had a conversation during the 6 times we rolled to the bottom of the bowl. It went something like this ”Oh sh!t! When is this going to stop!? Why won't we stop rolling!? OMG, Not again!" It finally did stop on all fours. We got out and dumped the sand out of our helmets, straightened our whip and waited for the rest of our group. Got back in and went to drags like it never happened. The Yamaha YXZs might not be the greatest machines in the suspension department but they're tough. I've rolled that thing a bunch of times and never broke anything. That was our second rollover that weekend.
I don't think I would want to be a passenger with you. 😆

You need to take it to a repair shop, or dealership and have them get the insurance company an estimate....likely totalled... salvage is Unreal on UTVs....What insurance? Foremost? Geico? State Farm?  Most everything is done via photos and shop estimates now. 

You need to take it to a repair shop, or dealership and have them get the insurance company an estimate....likely totalled... salvage is Unreal on UTVs....What insurance? Foremost? Geico? State Farm?  Most everything is done via photos and shop estimates now. 
state farm

had one shop come look today.

worse than we thought.

front 1/2 of frame is bent, didn't know it bolts together!

tore shocks from tabs on front.

damaged one rear shock 

and then all the broke plastics, so waiting to see the final number!

Green key for newbies

Glad all are ok. 

I am the most stressed and uncomfotable with new folks in the dunes.  Old dawgs in the dunes make it look ez, just years of learning with close calls.  

Green key for newbies

Glad all are ok. 

I am the most stressed and uncomfotable with new folks in the dunes.  Old dawgs in the dunes make it look ez, just years of learning with close calls.  
should have never let his father in law behind the wheel. dumb mistake
