My favorite joke, updated.

Lord of the Dunes

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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As Kabul fell to the Taliban, the Taliban commander was standing in front of his 1,000 men, congratulating them on their hard won victory.

Suddenly, a lone American stood on top of a small hill in front of them and yelled something to the commander. He turned to his aide and said, "What did that infidel say?" The aide replied, "The American infidel soldier said we must all leave immediately, or he will be forced to slaughter us all like pigs. If we do not, he will personally introduce us to Allah and our virgins, who are fat, ugly and look exactly like pigs!"

The commander was enraged, so he sent his biggest, baddest fighter named Abdul to go up over the hill and bring back the infidel's head. Abdul went over the hill and soon the commander heard yelling, fighting and then a blood curdling scream. Then Abdul's severed head came flying over the hill and rolled to a stop right at the feet of the commander. Shortly after, the rest of Abdul arrived, neatly chopped into easy to throw pieces.

The commander was absolutely livid!! How dare this infidel make a fool of him! "Achmed!! Gather 9 more of our biggest men and go over there and bring me back his head!" So 10 big Taliban fighters go screaming up over the hill and after much yelling, fighting and screaming, one by one 10 Taliban heads come flying over the hill and rolled up to the commander's feet.

Now he's furious and determined to wipe this lone American soldier out! He yells, "Hamid! Take 500 of our best men and go over there and teach that infidel that Allah is almighty! Bring me back his head!" 500 Taliban fighters cautiously climbed the hill and disappeared over the other side. There was fighting, yelling and screaming like the commander had never heard before! He could hear men dying left and right! The lone American could be seen at the top of the hill. he yelled, "Quit messing around! I haven't got all day! Send the rest of them over here and let's get this over with!"

Finally, one lone Taliban fighter came crawling back to the Commander, beat to sh1t and nearly dead. "Commander!", he whispered, "Don't do it! It's a trap! He's not a soldier, he's a Marine, and there are TWO of them!!"  

