MIT for the win!

They never should have started.. I'm super concerned about it's entrance to the aerospace world, and now we have planes falling out of the sky.

They never should have started.. I'm super concerned about it's entrance to the aerospace world, and now we have planes falling out of the sky.

I suspect from what I've seen in my own company that it's so wide spread it can't be stopped.
I suspect from what I've seen in my own company that it's so wide spread it can't be stopped.

I need to learn more about why companies do it to begin with.. I get int he machining world to land certain contracts from the government etc.. Most the guys I know just had their machine shops in their wive's name etc..

What is the benefit of it in other companies? I have lived my whole life in small business working for myself so I have never had to deal with any of this shit, nor do I plan too. I have a real estate team of around 14 people.. It's mostly women, not because of diversity or inclusion.. It's because the ones that work for me work their ass off and actually sell houses.. LOL. If some guy walked in and he was good we'd hire him without thinking twice.

On the boat side of things it's pretty much Myself and my film guy, and now another guy that sells for me and helps manage all the projects. It isn't because we are against women on the boating side of things it's just because that's how it worked out in the boat world.

I saw a post on social media about an all black flight crew, and the comment (said with pride) was "diversity". How the F is that diversity? Do these people not understand the basic definitions of words?

I need to learn more about why companies do it to begin with..
I don't know the full story. I work for a very large corporation you've definitely heard of. I know there are several DEI "scores" that are touted in advertising but I don't know if those scores open up the company to special funding or tax credits. They can't just be for advertising purposes. This same company spent millions if not a billion attaining ISO 14001 certification (Environmental) over a period of years only to never mention it again. I suspect that was money well spent but I don't understand how or why. My building has about 14 entry level managers. Two are white. One is white, straight, and male. Nine are hispanic. Many LGTBQ in many different levels of management. Current hourly hiring used to come from submitted resumes but now come exclusively from a temp agency. People who are too lazy to search for their own job. Mainly hispanic. While there is talent from several of the hispanic and/or minority managers, it doesn't appear that HR knows about it nor are they encouraged to excel. I already see overall quality in our product going down and expect that drop to speed up and frankly, I'm horrified. Many of my family and friends use our product. I was insanely proud of the job I did and the product we produced at one time. The current saying around the building is that it's not the same company we hired in under. We got too big too fast. We went public and started trying to be the biggest instead of making the best product we could even better.
@Fireballsocal , frustrating isn't it??? I keep telling myself "Eff it, they are allowing it to happen, why should I care. Put in the time and go home....."

But...... it ain't who I am. It makes me crazy... I've grown to despise it now.....
DEI and it's bullshit came directly from our friend George Soros.

If you read HIS story about himself, he's just trying to help people less fortunate than him. It's a total white wash crock of shit.

Dig deep and study up on what he's accomplished with his BILLIONS of dollars. It's sad what money will buy.

The Open Society Foundation is Owned and funded by George Soros.

@Fireballsocal , frustrating isn't it??? I keep telling myself "Eff it, they are allowing it to happen, why should I care. Put in the time and go home....."

But...... it ain't who I am. It makes me crazy... I've grown to despise it now.....
I know without a shadow of a doubt how widespread it is and how powerful the movement is. I have no interest in spending the time and effort fighting the good fight. I don't see any payoff nor do I see it doing any good. If you figure out a way to make some headway, spread the word.