MacGyver fixes


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May 9, 2021
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I know we used to have one.

With the season looming, rookies abound...let's start another to help peeps get home. Most think that once it's "broke" you hook up a strap. F'that, I will do everything I can to not suck dust back to camp.

What was the best MacGyver fix you pulled off in the dunes/dez that worked to get you back? Under your own power....

Something you didn't have spares for...
No going back to camp for a welder.
No rescue help
Had to use what was at hand to get you going.
Nonspecific shit from a friend's ride bag is OK. Cannibalism isn't.

One of my best ones was from my Honda TRX250R.

Fired up fine at home. Hauled out to the dez to ride. Wouldn't run for shit. ugh? Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle.? Next to no tools as we were just to be out for a bit by my bud's house. Pulled the top off the carb and the needle clip was MIA. Well, that will do it. No clip, not throttle. F! F! F!
Where to you find a needle clip in the middle of nowhere that is universal fit? The tab on the beer/soda can you brought....

I crossed my fingers hoping it would work. Boy did it. Like a charm. I rode it like that for years in G, totally forgetting about it...LOL

Lesson learned, always have an "extra" can tab around.
Bailing wire is my new duct tape. We've done quite a few repairs on my buddy's old ATC90 with wire. Especially on hot parts like pipes and silencers. Always keep a couple feet in my bag.