Looks like the Facebook. Instagram and Whatsapp is down!

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
Reaction score
They are down. News reports says it may be internal sabotage.

Facebook is loosing $540,000.00 and hour in advertising dollars.

Their stock was falling just before the shutdown as well.

Sometimes things happen.


Good. Gonna be a productive day in my shop now.

Most productive day in the US workforce in 30 years!!

Eff FB.. and all that social media crap.. I guess this is 'social media' but it's the ONLY site I post.. as an alias (although I'm sure someone can figure out who I am)... Stopped posting on FB like 7 years ago.. don't have funnygram or instafart... don't need ANY of that stuff..

.. if I want to share something, I'll send photos and a group text.. other than that.. my life.. my business... don't need to share my stuff with some kid I went to JR HS 35 years ago.. who I don't speak to..

.. super lame.. I hope they lock up Schmuckerberg.. only bad part is some of my stock ETFs or funds probably own some of that crap.. but whatever.. I do have $100k or so in the QQQJ


Best news ever, people need a reset.  Lots of articles coming out today as well and how Facebook algorithms create decisiveness as well, many whistle blowers coming out. Coincidence????
Divisiveness, not decisiveness.

I WISH people were decisive!      :lol:
