Looking for pictures & ideas


Active member
May 5, 2021
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I have a mid travel manx and have been running a 2.5 turbo motor for years without a intercooler and have had no issues, I had a new motor built and now would like to run a intercooler and am looking for some pictures and ideas on where the best placement would be, I know it needs to be in front of the radiator for best performance , With a manx and a windshield I know I am limited , Some pictures would help . If any of you subaru/manx guys out there running intercoolers i could use some pictures & ideas .  


John from OF would you have any Pics , I am thinking just slightly above the radiator. Anyone have any suggestions ??

  Thank you in advance.


Mid engine, 2.5 Subaru, no windshield. Self built sandcar. Dyno numbers and infrared thermometer show it does work, even though it is a cheap intercooler. 



thank's Okie , I like your set up unfortunately i am a little tight with room, I am just going to have to install mine a little above my radiator , I was trying to find someone with a car similar to mine to see if i had some options , Just not enough room in a car like mine.

Buddy Greengos car. 

Adapted the stock aftercooler to the top of the engine. 


What about air to water intercooler. More complex, more plumbing but more efficient and they usually end up looking better. Frozenboost.com has some that might work.

It is sorta mounted wrong.  If you could tilt it the other way and make the heated air flow up (the way heat wants to naturally goO, it might work better.  You also need some ducting, to catch the air and make it flow through it.

The Early SU cars that had Rotary motors in them have a setup like you had desribed. My is configured differently now but had the intercooler in front of the radiator. Let me see if I can find some pics.

In this pic you can see how the radiator sits and it would have the intercooler sitting on top with a 1/2 gap between the two. 




same deal....radiator tiled the wrong way.  Tilt it forward, then metal/AL/plastic, on the bottom, making a trap/scoop, so the air has to go up, or thru the rad to escape...you'll be surprised when your fans turn on.

Imagine the air coming from the left/rear

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Bsbuggy mike this is what i'm thinking, My radiator sits above where where you have your radiator and with the fan pushing the heat it would be pushing into the intercooler and  it would be pumping the hot air into the intercooler and it would be defeating the purpose. BUT, If i built a fan shroud on the back side of the radiator to push the heat up and out, It would work. I have a couple of questions about the size of your intercooler and your hoses . I will PM you .

On a side note, nice looking Manx,  can I ask who built the cage/frame? 

As others have said, the intercooler on my old Manx sat right in front of the radiator, and worked great. 

Is there room to put the intercooler horizontal with the ground above the transaxle?  With the tilt on your radiator, air will pass across the front of it and point towards the transaxle, so this would take some advantage of the less than ideal angle on the radiator.  Add some shrouding to keep the air from dancing around the radiator and you'll probably be all set.

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Fan and shroud to draw air through the intercooler if you are not getting air flow.

When I bought my intercooler I did a lot of research. Lots of theory and different ways to make intercoolers. If it was me I would figure out the biggest IC you can fit and then call ETS. They sell lots of different kits and have done a tremendous amount of testing.  Hopefully they could help you design what you need.  Not sure if they have fan and shroud setups. Might be something you have to do separately which would be simple to design. An air to air IC is a heat exchanger and needs air across the fins. 

On a side note, nice looking Manx,  can I ask who built the cage/frame? 

As others have said, the intercooler on my old Manx sat right in front of the radiator, and worked great. 
The cage was built by Steve Minor, He is no longer building them.

Is there room to put the intercooler horizontal with the ground above the transaxle?  With the tilt on your radiator, air will pass across the front of it and point towards the transaxle, so this would take some advantage of the less than ideal angle on the radiator.  Add some shrouding to keep the air from dancing around the radiator and you'll probably be all set.
Sorry about getting back to you guys so late, I ended up installing the intercooler in front of the radiator but not really infringing much of the radiator, I also had a new aluminum lid built for the top of the cage because I damaged it years ago when I put her on its side ,I slotted the lid and built in a vent like downdraft scoop. Hard to explain ,What I am trying to do is forcing the air that comes over the top get pushed through the vent. I also installed 3 small spal puller fans to help. I will try and get some pictures up.I am going to try this and if it doesn't work ,I will have a scoop built for the top of the intercooler .

