Looking for floor mounted drive by wire accelerator pedal


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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My google-fu has failed me trying to find a floor mounted drive by wire accelerator assembly.  Tilton makes something close to what I am looking for, but you have to buy the pedal, an adapter, and then use a sender that I don't want to use.  Others seem to have firewall mounts and hanging mounts which would require fab work that I don't want to do.  Anyone else ever gone down this rabbit hole?

There was a thread a while back with a few examples of how guys were making the firewall ones work with a floor mounted cable type.

Thanks guys, never thought of that way to attack the problem.  I was trying to either buy something that was already done, or attach the sender to my existing pedal.

There was another post where someone ran a cable from the pedal to a dbw pedal set up mounted laying on its side under the driver's seat.

Why not do drive by cable and avoid the problem? Curious as I had to go through this and ended up deciding drive by cable was easier in my case.

On one of the builds, we did the drive by wire under the rear seat, and then ran the morse cable to it, 

On one of the builds, we did the drive by wire under the rear seat, and then ran the morse cable to it, 

There was another post where someone ran a cable from the pedal to a dbw pedal set up mounted laying on its side under the driver's seat.
This is how I set mine up. Is working flawlessly for 4 years now. 

DBW module can be seen lower right of this pic


Why not do drive by cable and avoid the problem? Curious as I had to go through this and ended up deciding drive by cable was easier in my case.
I agree, but I had found a deal on an intake that came with a DBW throttle body.  I have come to my senses and am going to pay the extra for the throttle cable version and not mess with my pedals.
