Linux Is Yore Future


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
Reaction score
Unless Micro$oft changes direction, Windows 10 will expire in the year 2025.

Again, unless M$ changes direction about Window$ 11, you MUST have a

M$ account to log onto your own computer. They want to send you ads.

Yes, I know there are "Modified" versions of Windows 11 available, (I have one running) but, they can't update so security patches are not available.

One way to avoid this issue is to experiment with the FREE "Open Source"

operating system "Linux".

Not to worry, take that older laptop out of the garage, slip in a copy of Linux, and try it out. The older computers really run better on Linux.

Linux Mint is Fast, Secure and easy to learn. <-- Download Link

Two ways to install, 1) Burn the ISO to CD. 1) Burn the ISO to a Thumb Drive using BalenaEtcher

Some newer computers arrive without a CD/DVD so use BalenaEtcher.

Any issues you have, let me know. Or, I'll do the install for you. (Free) (( IF IT BOOTS)) Now, the above being said, take out that old spinning hard drive and install a new SSD to really perk the system up. You can thank me later. If you have a tired old computer, think about this project. Your best friend is youtube. Anything you need is on youtube. Install Mint


will all of the same programs run on Linux?  (ie, word, excel, firefox, paint, video stuff?).

I've tried in the past(back when I had time to tinker with crap) and I keep day dreaming I should try it again, but luckily Linus brings me back from the edge of the cliff.

Pop!_OS and Ubuntu are both popular Linux distributions that are widely used by individuals and organizations around the world. Both distributions are based on the same underlying software and share many similarities, but they also have some key differences that set them apart. In this article, we will take a closer look at Pop!_OS and Ubuntu, and compare their features and capabilities to help you decide which one is the best choice for you.

First and foremost, let’s start with the similarities. Both Pop!_OS and Ubuntu are based on the same underlying software, which is the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. This means that they share the same package manager, software repositories, and other core components. Additionally, both distributions are also open-source and free to use, making them accessible to anyone.

One of the key differences between Pop!_OS and Ubuntu is their focus. Pop!_OS is developed by System76, a company that specializes in the manufacture and sale of Linux-based computers. As such, Pop!_OS is optimized for use on System76 hardware and is designed to provide the best performance and experience on these systems. On the other hand, Ubuntu is developed by Canonicals, a global software company, and is aimed at a broader audience, being a general-purpose operating system that can be used on a wide range of hardware.

Another difference between Pop!_OS and Ubuntu is their user interface. Pop!_OS features a sleek and modern design that is optimized for productivity. It has a minimalist interface that is easy to navigate, and it comes with a variety of customization options to help users tailor the interface to their liking. On the other hand, Ubuntu has a more traditional desktop interface that is designed to be familiar and easy to use. It features a panel-based layout and a variety of pre-installed applications to help users get started quickly.

When it comes to software, Pop!_OS and Ubuntu also have some differences. Pop!_OS comes with a curated selection of software that is specifically chosen for its performance, reliability, and ease of use. This includes a variety of productivity tools, such as the Gnome desktop environment, the GIMP image editor, and the LibreOffice suite. Ubuntu, on the other hand, comes with a more extensive selection of software that includes a wide range of applications for different purposes.

In terms of security, both Pop!_OS and Ubuntu have strong security features that help to protect users’ computers from malicious software and other threats. Pop!_OS has a feature called Secure Boot, which ensures that only trusted software is loaded during the boot process. Additionally, Pop!_OS also includes automatic updates, AppArmor profiles, and disk encryption. Ubuntu also has similar security features, such as automatic updates and disk encryption, but it doesn’t have Secure Boot.

When it comes to performance, both Pop!_OS and Ubuntu are known for their fast and responsive performance. However, Pop!_OS is optimized for use on System76 hardware and is designed to provide the best performance and experience on these systems. Ubuntu is a general-purpose operating system that can be used on a wide range of hardware, but it may not be optimized for specific hardware.

In conclusion, Pop!_OS and Ubuntu are both excellent Linux distributions that are suitable for different purposes. Pop!_OS is a great choice for users who are looking for a sleek and modern operating system that is optimized for use on System76 hardware. It has a minimalist interface that is easy to navigate, and it comes with a variety of customization

Today, I'm working on a HP xw4400 Workstation, Core 2 Duo, (64 bit CPU at 2.40 GHz) 8 Gig ram, new one TB SSD hard drive.

Fresh install of Ubuntu Studio. (Long Term Support) Yes, It's Free, and really Perks Up An Older Computer.

