Life and Health insurance vs. GoFundMe.... ABC rant


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Only thinking about this due to Norm McDonalds passing and is not related to any current GoFundMe specifically...

When you start having children.. a spouse .. or maybe a parent that you care for.. BUY TERM LIFE... BUY HEALTH INSURANCE.. I refuse to contribute to any GoFundMe because someone wasn't responsible enough to buy this stuff.. look it's cheap. When I started having kids, I was dirt poor. I sacrificed a 'dinner out' or maybe a subscription to HBO and made sure I had this stuff covered. If you you're relatively young and in good health, it's all super cheap... Term life can be like $35/month for $500k, but you need to buy it BEFORE you need it.

If/when I croak.. don't be looking for a GoFundMe.. there will be no reason because I did (the one.. LOL) responsible thing and bought the stuff.

OK, that's my rant. For all 30 somethings having kids, take the time and get it.

Talk me into a situation where responsible coverage wouldn't have 'handled it?' and I'm open for that debate. I personally had a catastrophic injury crashed a 310cc Husqvarna I bought from OB in Glamis .. an MX and because of the $7500/year out of pocket max, my $70k+ in bills were covered .. back in 2015.

Sorry if this sounds cold, I don't mean it that way.





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i agree, we have policies on all 4 of us, and my kids started the day they were born. I over insure, but better safe than sorry.

Me too, term life was cheap when i was young, did my last term policy like 10 years ago before i turned 50.  I think i got  a guaranteed price increase for 15 or 20 years 

after that expires i wont have any cause it will be too much and im not trying to make my kids rich

I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion, but you're right.  It's always tough to mention it when you see one, because it's always a sad situation.  But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it when I see these things pop up... 


Agree with ABC 100%. Be responsible for your own life. Pay your own way. Don’t expect the rest of us to foot the bill for your poor choices. Just seems like common sense to me but that’s just how I was raised. 

I don’t want to bag on the ‘un-schooled’… look I wouldn’t have done not for the ‘insistence’ of my Stepdad… But it can be a ‘hard lesson’

It’s called a double tragedy…

.. a person is DEAD and the family he/she was supporting us ALSO gone.

Not fun .. get a policy.. don’t be a fool.






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For the record I don't work for insurance companies and I actually hate them more than anything in the motherEffing world and I just believe if you get a clean policy you’re covered so tell the insurance goes he goes outside and play hide and go Eff themselves because they’re a bunch of cocksucker motherEffer pieces of chit… But at the same time you should buy insurance

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I completely agree when it comes to health. Like when extreme sports people get severely hurt and the Gofundme comes out. Sorry but you’ve chosen your profession knowing damn well a bad crash can cost you your life so save some of that money your making! Now people losing everything they have in a natural disaster, that’s deserving of some help from me.

Not a fan of the Go Fund Me stuff and have never donated to one, except once a few months ago for a kid in my daughters school that she knows who got leukemia.  Not his fault for getting it and not his fault his parents were under insured for his treatment.  Other than that I keep scrolling when I see them posted.

What companies are you all using for your term life insurance?
Northwestern Mutual… but make no mistake… insurance companies have 2 mandates…

1. Collect premiums

2. Deny claims

That’s the ‘business model.’






I had no kids when we got our term policy, it was there to pay off the house in case one of us died.  Figured with no house payment the other should be able to provide.

As for Health Insurance, my wife has taken lessor jobs/income for the benefits for sure.  She now works for the state, working on Pension and health care, this will allow us to retire before 65.  People get focused on the salary of the job too much, you have to look at the benefits.

Term Life is for when you have a large amount of debt to be paid when you pass. No debt = no term life needed. You can invest that term life premium into real investments. 
My father passed in March, he had No life insurance, but he also had NO debt. It does make sense for debt owed on real estate. But that's about it. Just my .02 Peace  :hi:

I carry whole life  thru northwestern mutual and term thru state farm.  It helps to have an agent in the family.  He would automaticly get the kids policies and we just took them over after a few years. I carry enough to pay off all debts including the house and have a nest egg or college fund for the kids. It cost about $300 a month to cover the whole family and myself.

Make sure all your accounts have beneficiaries on them.  My Father just passed in July, the accounts that had beneficiaries listed were easy to deal with, the others made for more hassles.  Even get beneficiaries on your checking accounts.  He had two life insurance products, one had all the kids and the other had just idea why but family members are not happy about it.  Because it list Beneficiaries, it doesn't need to go thru the trust or Probate (if there wasn't a trust).  I have certainly learned a lot with this process over the last two months.

Two kinds of people in the world, those that plan for the future to protect their family.....and those that don't, end up leaving a pile of  💩 for their loved ones to deal with. 

Term life is a no brainer once you're married / have kids.

Term Life is for when you have a large amount of debt to be paid when you pass. No debt = no term life needed. You can invest that term life premium into real investments. 
My father passed in March, he had No life insurance, but he also had NO debt. It does make sense for debt owed on real estate. But that's about it. Just my .02 Peace  :hi:
Sure, but if you have people relying on YOUR income, then you need the coverage as dead people don't earn much.. unless you're a song writer or something and get residuals.
