Levi Levalle Motorcycle jump

I’m sorry but these types of jumps don’t impress me. Don’t get me wrong, you would never catch me doing it, but it seems if you like to sky dive and can ride a bike than you can pull this off. Meh

I’m sorry but these types of jumps don’t impress me. Don’t get me wrong, you would never catch me doing it, but it seems if you like to sky dive and can ride a bike than you can pull this off. Meh
Yeah but think about the timing of the deployment of the chute. Split second wrong and you are tangled with the bike and dead.

Do it without a chute, with a calculated landing ramp. This is just a little kid jumping into a pool with floaties. But, as long as you get your 'likes'

Do it without a chute, with a calculated landing ramp. This is just a little kid jumping into a pool with floaties. But, as long as you get your 'likes'
This is how I feel. To me it’s like lake jumping on a bmx. You try to pull off all the tricks you could never land knowing your safety is landing in water. Only scare is getting stuck with the bike. 

I’m sorry but these types of jumps don’t impress me. Don’t get me wrong, you would never catch me doing it, but it seems if you like to sky dive and can ride a bike than you can pull this off. Meh

You would never see me pull a string off a jump. Land it our be the pussssy that couldn't. 

Surprised all the hate. Giant double front flip to a parachute landing and the internet says its a kid with no skill.

I ain’t hatin’, I just grew up in the 60’s and 70’s with Evel doing what Evel did. He was the Chuck Norris of motorcyclery. Everyone else pales in comparison.

Man i dont know squat about Evel. Besides hitting jumps with 2" of suspension. Be fun to watch a documentary on him. 

That’s just it. The skill is being able to clear the gap and land successfully on the other side. If you don’t clear it or land it your either dead or busted up to chit! You can bail out at anytime but there are no safeties so your gonna rag doll. This kid doesn’t have to clear anything or land anything. He’s jumping so high that he gives himself plenty of time to bail if needed. Not that there isn’t any skill involved but the Daredevil part is very minuscule in comparison.

Back in the days of real Mericans!
That was funny the add before the vid was a gun holder belt. Watched the first couple mins. Will keep playing it throughout the day. Got to the big wreck wearing white. Might have to skip those parts. What ever happened to Robbie? I heard him interviewed on Howard. Seemed like he was having fun. Drinking with his hot wife.
