Let’s talk turning brake location


New member
May 11, 2021
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Hey there I am building a new car for myself and wanted some advise or opinion on turning brake location.  My current running car has a turning brake on the left hand side of the driver it is a single handle push / pull style it works ok in this location you just need to be aware when entering or exiting the car not to get hung up on it .  On my new build I was considering relocating it to the R/H side of the shifter still keeping the push / pull style. Does anyone have there’s located there and how do you like the location. I have only really drove my car with the turning brake located on the left. So I don’t have experience with it on the R/H side of the shifter any info would be helpful thx.

The main car I like to drive has the turning brake back behind the shifter, this has dual levers. The other car has a single lever on the left. I don't mind the single lever just can't stand having it on the left. It sucks if you have to shift right away, changing hands on the wheel.

Older Funcos have the turn brake between the front seats and behind the shifter. It is a single handle push/pull style that is mounted at an angle, so the handle is not vertical.  On the newer Funco models, the turn brake is rotated 180* and placed next to the shifter with a vertical push/pull. My car is currently the older design and I dont mind it due to only ever using it that way. I do see a benefit in having it next to the shifter for ease of access.  It will also put less strain on your shoulder grabbing for it. 

i like it on the right so the shifter hand is the same as the turning brake hand so you dont have to switch hands between shifting and using that brake

i like it on the right so the shifter hand is the same as the turning brake hand so you dont have to switch hands between shifting and using that brake
Mine is the same place,

I have a Seq shifter,  the turning handle is back about 1 inch and 3-4 inch over, or about a 1'' away from the passenger seat, 

Behind the shifter, between the seats and I do like the double handle better.

I'll chime in. My car has the dual handle turning brakes between the seats. I have never actually used them for turning because I can get the car to rotate well without it. I do really like having the dual handle when loading the car into the trailer though because I can hold both handles like a hand brake and not roll backwards. Keeps me from frying the clutch. Or if in my lack of talent I stall on the trailer ramp I can hold the hand brake while I restart the car and get going again without having to roll down and start over. 

I think in between the seats is better easier to switch between the shifter and turn brake and definitely 2 handles so you don't have to remember which way is push or pull

ON THE RIGHT... left had stays on the wheel...  never used mine (on the left).. makes no sense switching hands.. should be like those Hoonagin types,.. higher and big foward and backward deal movement...

My $.02


PS. I want her back!


abc 17.jpg

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Mine is a single handle left side of the shifter. I cut the handle and re-welded it so it's more comfortable. 


Thanks for all the info my 1st choice is to mount it on the right of the shifter and a little fwd  Hopefully I will like it in that location I guess I need to mock it up and try. Nice pics buy the way

Thanks for all the info my 1st choice is to mount it on the right of the shifter and a little fwd  Hopefully I will like it in that location I guess I need to mock it up and try. Nice pics buy the way
I would think if you have it to the right of the shifter you would want it behind. So that you don’t bump the shifter when you use it. Unless you get a real tall handle. 

Between the seats. Left hand on the steering wheel and the right hand is either on the shifter or on the cutting break. Also put my PTT on the cutting break. Up near the shifter seems like it would be ok, until you accidentally pull it instead of the shifter when trying to shift into 4th. Although I will say that the one time I've heard of that happening alcohol was involved. 

The ones on the left just seem like they were installed by builders that don't like them, don't want them, but felt they had to put them in because it is standard to have one on a sand car.

Thanks for all the info my 1st choice is to mount it on the right of the shifter and a little fwd  Hopefully I will like it in that location I guess I need to mock it up and try. Nice pics buy the way
Mock up. It might hit the dash is too forward 
