Lets see your starlink mounting


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I am looking for starlink mounting ideas. Lets see your ways of mounting.


What size did you choose for your ladder mount? I could measure mine when I get home but would like to get it ordered today.
I didnt actually measure mine and its still sitting in the box. They say in the ad that there almost all the same size so I took their word for it.

I like it, you saved $350 in professional installation and are going to cause $10K in roof damage. 

Those wedge deals are called Pivot Tools. They are for setting ladders on stair treads, roofs, uneven terrain ect. They have rubber where it touches the roof. Held down by gravity and the 85lbs of chain.

It was just a temp setup deal while trying to find the best location on my property for signal. 

Went with a facia mount once I found the right spot but thanks for your concern about my roof 😀 😉 

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That's interesting. I thought the antenna had to be able to move around and aim itself.
i thought so as well.  I guess not.  You may loose a little signal,  But Branden that makes that mount live streamed the baja 1000 with one and had no down time.

Thanks  I sent this mount link to a couple buddies from our crew I am getting sick of looking at them sitting on tables all over camp - because after all like a boat... the best Starlink is your buiddies Starlink  - all the bene' s none of the cost.... I am really surprised how well they work  across camp.
If I had a latter in my super C I would do that and keep it simple.

Lol. No shingles were harmed with this professional installation.
They are not designed to sit there indefinitely,  in the heat of the summer, 1-2-3 years from now they will work their way through your composite roof, they will compress and damage your underpayment.  Debris will accumulate and plants can actually start growing in the debris and those roots will penetrate your roof looking for water.  I would highly recommend an appropriate installation method.  

I’ve been installing antennas and dishes in residential rooftop applications for about 35 years.  I’d never use a ballast mounting system on anything other than an appropriate flat roof and that's only for PV installs.  I’m actually starting an OTA antenna installation for a local mental hospital next week.   I hope they let me out when I’m done  :D

I’m not trying to bust your balls here, I just think you are begging for trouble  
