Ken Block - Glamis tour

2 hours ago, Dune-Track-N said:

Cool vid, a little light on the actual "info" but that's fine.  The Tatum is a nice car... over $300k now. 😉


Cool video but why does he keep saying “infamous” over and over in the beginning? It doesn’t sound like he is trying to make it sound like a place with a bad reputation but confused then why he keeps saying infamous? 

^ ^ ^ Figure the time period he's referring to (late 90s early 2000s) Glamis was pretty "infamous" for the various shenanigans that took place out there.  Not that I can remember any  . . .

Cool video but why does he keep saying “infamous” over and over in the beginning? It doesn’t sound like he is trying to make it sound like a place with a bad reputation but confused then why he keeps saying infamous? 

