Keanu Reeves ...

Supposed to be one of the nicest humble men in the business. Never met the dude so can't say for sure. 

He does his own shooting in the movies and is a good competitive shooter.  I vote badass...

real badass... watch his training videos, he's worked his ass off to be the real deal! And ass Furball said, one of the most humble, caring human's on this God forsaken planet.

No entourage which speaks volumes, rides street bikes, shoots at a competitive level. Most importantly keeps his political opinion to himself, as far as I know. That make him a solid dude. Also believe he's not woke, or at least keeps it to himself. 

I saw him kill 3 guys in a bar one night with a pencil.............just sayin.
Rumor has it that he has a house near me, and has been seen eating at the local hamburgers and beer joint. Never rude or uppity about how famous he is. Rides his motorcycle in the local mountains.

He's allowed back at the place, so whoever he killed must’ve had it coming. :biggrin:

When you watch John Wick..count the shots.

He made sure it was real, he loads when the guns hit capacity.

He trained for all the fighting moves, the gun interaction, basically wanted it to be realistic even though a little far fecthed! :biggrin:

I love all of the John Wick movies.

Yeah and like stated above I hear super humble. Still takes the train and will give up his seat for a woman.

Classy dude, stays out of the limelight and in my book and that also makes him badass!

This scene....epic:

Point Break has the Best Foot chase EVER, regardless of the rest of the movie!

Matrix was cool when he figured it out. "MR. SMITH" Peace
