Just got to go for a ride in a Tesla plaid. Oh and how about an electric X3 or maybe an electric Tatum


Well-known member
May 7, 2021
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I've been in a lot of fast cars in my life but that thing is a whole nother level of insanity. Starting from a dead stop and a thousand horsepower and instant torque. Skull popping acceleration. Damn I wonder what it would be like to daily one of those. I think I would be in jail. Super brilliant guy that is also installing one of these drivetrains in a Tatum sand rail right now.
There is one Tesla model I see around sometimes...

Big low slung 4 door that looks pretty bad azz.

Is that the plaid model?? How does it handle in the curves??
an account on instagram teslasandtruck. has not posed in awhile but he had a tesla powered sand truck and was working on a tesla powered X3
There is one Tesla model I see around sometimes...

Big low slung 4 door that looks pretty bad azz.

Is that the plaid model?? How does it handle in the curves??
A guy I went to high school with and played football with in high school (along with his wife) were killed a year or so ago when their Tesla Model S Plaid plowed into a tree on a curvy road. He and his wife were both in their early 50's, he had become a very well respected cardiologist in the Central Valley. They left behind a couple of young kids too. There was no determined cause for the accident (single car). It is suspected that the car somehow malfunctioned or maybe something broke in the front suspension. Cars that insanely fast belong on the track IMO.
Buddy gave me a ride in his Taycan Turbo S. Nauseating.
A guy I went to high school with and played football with in high school (along with his wife) were killed a year or so ago when their Tesla Model S Plaid plowed into a tree on a curvy road. He and his wife were both in their early 50's, he had become a very well respected cardiologist in the Central Valley. They left behind a couple of young kids too. There was no determined cause for the accident (single car). It is suspected that the car somehow malfunctioned or maybe something broke in the front suspension. Cars that insanely fast belong on the track IMO.
Well that story sucks.
If you put it in a sandcar or SxS they are going to be heavy, and the further you want to go the heavier they will be. You're going to put all that weight the same place Tesla does and that is on the bottom of the car. Not sure how the batteries will like the landings or whoops on the bottom of a car, let alone all the sand that will just get everyplace.
EV's are a novelty item they work great for some things really well but as a direct replacement of a gas car it just isn't going to happen ever, no matter how many times Newscum says they will.
Well that story sucks.
Sure does. The investigation afterwards showed he was doing 124 mph (must be a "black box" in Teslas?) at the time of impact. Car basically disintegrated. Hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would do 124 mph on that particular road. Alcohol in system, but well below .08. A real damn tragedy.
If you put it in a sandcar or SxS they are going to be heavy, and the further you want to go the heavier they will be. You're going to put all that weight the same place Tesla does and that is on the bottom of the car. Not sure how the batteries will like the landings or whoops on the bottom of a car, let alone all the sand that will just get everyplace.
EV's are a novelty item they work great for some things really well but as a direct replacement of a gas car it just isn't going to happen ever, no matter how many times Newscum says they will.
I think battery technology will catch up pretty soon actually. We run Lithium Polymer (far more volatile) in RC cars that take insane impacts. When they produce a full size truck with a 3-400 mile range while towing I'll be all over it. Give me that insane instant torque and a quiet cabin? Yes please!
I think battery technology will catch up pretty soon actually. We run Lithium Polymer (far more volatile) in RC cars that take insane impacts. When they produce a full size truck with a 3-400 mile range while towing I'll be all over it. Give me that insane instant torque and a quiet cabin? Yes please!
This is why I think they should be further developing Hybrid solutions!
If you put it in a sandcar or SxS they are going to be heavy, and the further you want to go the heavier they will be. You're going to put all that weight the same place Tesla does and that is on the bottom of the car. Not sure how the batteries will like the landings or whoops on the bottom of a car, let alone all the sand that will just get everyplace.
EV's are a novelty item they work great for some things really well but as a direct replacement of a gas car it just isn't going to happen ever, no matter how many times Newscum says they will.
He gave me the weights but I honestly don't remember. I remember it not being very bad. Remember you are removing a lot of weight as well taking the engine out.
I also remember talking to him about range and would one of these cars do a 40 to 50 mi dune ride and he said not a problem at all.
Sure does. The investigation afterwards showed he was doing 124 mph (must be a "black box" in Teslas?) at the time of impact. Car basically disintegrated. Hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would do 124 mph on that particular road. Alcohol in system, but well below .08. A real damn tragedy.

Every car made today has a "black box" in it. It's your air bag module. It records everything.

Do the dealerships have access to the info in contains? No.

The manufacturer does though. So it can be had, if needed.