John Force

Very cool.  The Peterson Auto Museum has his funny car on display.  Saw it on Friday when I was there. 

Very cool.  The Peterson Auto Museum has his funny car on display.  Saw it on Friday when I was there. 
My wife sat in it &  pointed to the button on the steering wheel & said "Oh look, it has a horn button".  I about pissed my self laughing.  the guy @ the front counter came around the corner & told us to hold it down.  She knew it was not a horn button, but wanted to screw with me.  LMAO.  30 years later, she still makes me laugh like a kid. 

A long time ago I had a GF unfamiliar with intercoms and I explained to her all she had to do was talk to me and her mic would pick it up, if she wanted to transmit on the radio, then push the red PTT to talk to other cars. We were duning with a moderately slow group and the guy in front of us was coming to a complete stop a few feet after cresting a dune. She got frustrated and confused and pushed the PTT button on her arm rest, thinking she was talking only to me and said, "Tell that slow MFer in front of us to speed it up and quit stopping at the top of every dune!!"

I started laughing and told her, "You just told him over the radio. You don't need to push a button to talk to me!" She was mortified!!

Then we hear, "Yes ma'am!!" over the radio and I'm LMAO and she's even more embarrassed!

We stop for a drink break and she goes over to him to apologize in person and they're all getting a good laugh out of it, she's still pretty red faced. Then I heard him telling someone, "You know how our wives are always telling us how to drive? Well she gets on the radio and tells other people how to drive!!"

I still LMAO every time I remember that incident! Good times!

A long time ago I had a GF unfamiliar with intercoms and I explained to her all she had to do was talk to me and her mic would pick it up, if she wanted to transmit on the radio, then push the red PTT to talk to other cars. We were duning with a moderately slow group and the guy in front of us was coming to a complete stop a few feet after cresting a dune. She got frustrated and confused and pushed the PTT button on her arm rest, thinking she was talking only to me and said, "Tell that slow MFer in front of us to speed it up and quit stopping at the top of every dune!!"

I started laughing and told her, "You just told him over the radio. You don't need to push a button to talk to me!" She was mortified!!

Then we hear, "Yes ma'am!!" over the radio and I'm LMAO and she's even more embarrassed!

We stop for a drink break and she goes over to him to apologize in person and they're all getting a good laugh out of it, she's still pretty red faced. Then I heard him telling someone, "You know how our wives are always telling us how to drive? Well she gets on the radio and tells other people how to drive!!"

I still LMAO every time I remember that incident! Good times!

Sounds like it worked! Peace
