Its Saturday Dec 10th.. What are Y'all doing this weekend??


Apr 30, 2021
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Well Folks its Dec 10th.. What is everyone up too this fine weekend?

I got to hit the Grocery store and then go to a Tire shop and get 2 tires mounted up on my little car as I found one tire coming apart..

Then drive down the hill to get a a Birthday present finished up for someone.

Just emptied 40,000 leaves out of my pool. Swept it and chlorinated. About to pull the front tire off the 70. RIDERED decided to rail the camp and darn those folks who bring wood with nails in them to burn. Notice I blame other people for my problems? Going to service the log splitter with new oil / filter / clean the air filter then Pound some wood! Remember folks, when you use equipment it's gotta be maintenance. Y'ALL have a great weekend. Peace  

gonna drive the family to LA and suprise my oldest fo his 23rd Birthday / Lunch with him b4 he has to go to work and then get home and get moms decorations up with my 2 kiddos, ......sort 70 parts  and prep for glamis!!!!!

Be safe out there peeps!!!


Morning, farmers market to pick up raw milk, fresh fruits, and duck eggs. Gotta get my 2500 smogged and think about paying the registration.

Getting some oil for my 250r and hopefully start working on that machine, hasn't started in 3years since I brought it home from being hit by a Polaris xp1000 at glamis north. That really mind Effs me alot. 

Chillaxin' ... gonna watch my Daughter's HS play for state (on TV).. didn't feel like driving/flying to San Jose. She's on the cheer squad and went in a charter bus yesterday, she's bowling with her team before tonight's game.

Other than that, more prepping for my Thur-Tue 12/15-12/20 Glamis 'boys' trip. Excited to cruise into camp and see my rigs prepped and delivered. Just rolling out with food/gas in my Dually.

Since no kids are coming, going to FINALLY camp at Gecko (been years).. I'm thinking Pad 3 if I can get it... but doesn't really matter, just don't want to be in a cul-de-sac.

Have a GREAT weekend!


PS. Oh, and continue to 'contribute' to the every funny SPEED thread as often as I can  :rofl:


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I went down and Saw InExcess and He helped out on a Very special Present I got for someone.. It was great that he took the time to do so as He is always Very Busy

Working on the sand car. I have one week left out of two weeks to make my deadline. New motor, rebuilt transmission, rewire with a Holley term x, and get it all put back together. 

Swapped out my blown out exhaust on the motorhome - it blew out on the way home from T-day.  Trick is to cut out the old in place, I learned after removing the first one completely that cutting out would have been better...the rubber exhaust hangers sucked.  Intended to weld it, but ended up jump clamping and no leaks.  Workhorse with the 8.1.


Had tons of plans...woke up to raw throat and stuffed head, feel like the bus is still rolling over me.....hopefully better tomorrow...

Spent the day helping my buddy install an 8.2 outdoor speaker system for a client.   I'm the grunt and had to trench more than we wanted as the pool or landscape guy pulled back our previously laid out speaker wire. Got it finished right before my buddy had to leave.  Sounded sweet. Hope he's friends with his neighbors or they are going to hate him.

Got to work some more OT today. Afterwards, went to a family white elephant party. Scored a sweet scented candle! Yep you guessed it, nobody traded me!
