Its Saturday August the 5th 2023.. What is everyone up too this weekend?


Apr 30, 2021
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Well Here it is that time of the week again when we all share what we are doing this weekend which Honestly I very much enjoy reading.

For me it will be Normal chores like Laundry and grocery shopping chores etc and putting some more paint on my trailer I am gonna use to go to Glamis this season at least

working a few hours this morning then probably go out with the wife for a bit to window shop a few garage sales so she says but I wind up finding some kind of tool for cheap and think of how one day I can use it so ill buy picking up are son later from a dirt bike camping trip at a mx track thay went to with 2 of his buddies and there rad dad for taking them.finished off later with some corona's.

Smoking a pork butt since last night. Wife making Buffalo chicken dip. About to start breakfast in the Blackstone.  Buddy coming up to party.

Slightly excited for work tomorrow since I just got new workboots.  Only wore them an hour or so last week.


Cleaning the car and truck. Then going to the grandsons lemonade stand and art sale. That little dude will make a few hundred dollars just from the grandparents.  Sunday installing the stabilizer cylinder on the motorhome.  Everyone have a great and safe weekend. 

Still dealing with this gout attack in my left elbow.  I actually got some sleep last night first time since Sunday night.  The fatigue is worse than the elbow....  today's bonus....  diarrhea... yea..   so, probably not going to be doing much today, certainly not going far from home.  Starting to really feel/reap  the consequences of my youth.... 

Tomorrow going to a park for a summer concert and a small B-day party for my youngest who is turning 25.  

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Recovering from a nasty chest flu/cold/virus whatever its called.  Finally getting a snack after a good cough so it must be clearing up.  :lol:

Landscape at the house coming along.  The city holding up progress on our footing and setback measurements. Plans are good but they can decide if the marked street behind my house is a street or a commercial parking lot.   This all plays into easements for some BS with a patio plan in MY FRICKEN back yard.

Working today.  Shop work, Shop engine work, Dump run today if possible. If not, dump run tomorrow.

Y'all be safe, have fun, stay cool and don't forget...... Eat fish sticks.  Support your Gorden's Fishermen. 

Piece Out :guns:

God daughters wedding today. Not really looking forward to it. Her dad was a close friend of mine for 32 years. She was born on our prom night.

He passed away in March after a 8 month battle with throat cancer. 

Miss him dearly. 😢 

Most likely dealing with a hangover Tomorrow.20230404_202326.jpg

Helping my brother with his Sprinter van remodel. 
I’m sure we’ll take a few union breaks in the afternoon 🍺🍺

Going to a going away party. Friends son is headed Old Miss for college.

Tomorrow helping my Mom and Stepdad  with booking up their TV, stereo and electronics in Rialto.

Have fun, be safe.


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Gym, early.  Then nap.  Then Home Depot for materials and WSOP now.  Feeling weak and tired but wearing 32w slacks.  :classic_wacko:

Gym, early tomorrow.  Then packing for board meetings in San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin.  Will try to connect with Cheff and WildBill.

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Home this morning from 7 and1/2 weeks of travel. House and yard show it and should take about 6 weeks to make it look normal again.

Lunch with Dad.  Haven't seen him since before father's day.  Then over to the wife's friend's house to swim with the "niece and nephew" for a bit. 

Thankfully home now.....
