It's Saturday 7-16-22 What are you doing this weekend?

Sealed up our new section of fence.  Painted a project to be installed tomorrow morning. Checked my leaky ass paddles and yea they are still leaking..  finiahed thw maint on the genny and slid it back in the trailer.  Wedding this afternoon.   

Walk tomorrow morning, visit mom in the afternoon.  Not sure in between...

Helping the wife get the house clean. Her parents are coming out from Illinois tomorrow. Doing some last minute packing. We leave on Monday for Alaska and the Elfin Cove for 6 days of lodge fishing.

Picking up the Harley after some much needed maintenance, new clutch, 3 fluid change, new fork seals & oil, frame/engine stabilizer, new motor mounts and a good once over. Prepping a pork butt to go over night on the RecTeq. Son and D-I-L coming over tomorrow, got a chicken to Frog cut and go on the grill

Enjoy the weekend!

Going to make a smash burger for the first time but might have screwed up and got 90%. Never really buy ground beef. Figured i could make it super flavorful with fresh ginger and garlic. I watched this last night and its kind of cool. Says what you already would suspect. Although there is a twist. They didnt notice much difference between the 80% and the 90%. While the 70% was da bomb of course. 

My take from it was either go 70% for all out flavor or go 90% to try and keep thee ole veins and arteries clear for many more years of duning. Since i rarely make burgers if i did it again would either grind my own with maybe some pork added or buy the 70%. Or...we go to walmart...they have the wagyu ground beef that would be fun to try sometime. 

Did some House chores went to my Cousins picked up a few things since she is moving to AZ. Got rid of my sons Motorcycle off too a new owner. Trying to stay cool but already losing that bet and also its my 12th wedding anniversary however she left 16 months ago and I am in the works of getting all the Paperwork signed and paid for the divorce

1 hour ago, wopachop said:

Going to make a smash burger for the first time but might have screwed up and got 90%. Never really buy ground beef. Figured i could make it super flavorful with fresh ginger and garlic. I watched this last night and its kind of cool. Says what you already would suspect. Although there is a twist. They didnt notice much difference between the 80% and the 90%. While the 70% was da bomb of course. 

My take from it was either go 70% for all out flavor or go 90% to try and keep thee ole veins and arteries clear for many more years of duning. Since i rarely make burgers if i did it again would either grind my own with maybe some pork added or buy the 70%. Or...we go to walmart...they have the wagyu ground beef that would be fun to try sometime. 

Fwiw, these are the best burgers I have ever had...

Sorry @SandTrap, rough time your going through.  cliche to say, but...  the sun will come up again.  Stand by, better days ahead. 

Smoked a pork butt overnight, did some RC racing and crawling.  Even busted out the 70s for some quick laps around the yard.  Only food pic was the bacon wrapped crab.






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Crawling looks fun. Yet to try that style. Must be similar to real life where too much throttle turns into wheelspin and loss of traction.
