It's Saturday 5-7-22 What are you doing this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Headed to the shop. Plans to get the car out and pull the engine. 

Tomorrow mother's day. 

Monday drop off parts to John. 

Fingers crossed. 

You all have fun, be safe.



My son makes his confirmation today at 1pm then tonight the San DiegoSeals play the Philly Wings in the playoffs in box lacrosse at the sports arena

tomorrow mothers day for my mom we do breakfast burritos on the beach. I feel bad my wife is gonna miss it.  We  told. Her she gets another day of mother’s day when she gets home. She always likes the Rancho Bernardo winery


Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there


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Jack shet.  Re-organize under the house, getting rid of stuff, smoking chicken thighs.

Silvia’s in Laughlin with her sister and mom for Mothers Day weekend.  I have a whole list of stuff to do for my grandsons birthday party next weekend.  Bought 3 steel cabinets for the garage to hide most of the junk I’ve got.  Everyone have a great and safe weekend. 

Removing all the stuff against my house. Getting it painted next week…

… then more WORK…. I’m swamped 😎💵🥷🌎👍🤪🤩





Supercross and chicken breast. Might have screwed them up by marinating too long with lime juice and rice vinegar.  

Have been using a microplane for the ginger and garlic though. Makes a liquid pulp that i hope will infuse flavor better than big chunks. 

No smoke its going on the blackstone. Although you could put a small piece of wood in the corner. This model has a lid. Or even sprigs of rosemary if going that flavor route.

Daughter’s team took 1st in the end of season  softball tournament. Having cake and ice cream for 3 of my children tonight. Birthdays all fall within a week of each other. Tomorrow, doing some odds and ends around the house and then a BBQ for Mother’s Day. 

Put together a shed with the wife. Then just relaxed. Gonna get the rzr out tomorrow and play with the suspension setting a bit. 

Finally finished the bathrooms remodel hopefully never again. Watched the finale super cross then Mother’s Day tomorrow 

You all have a great and safe weekend 

flew into St. Anthony's for the weekend.  Checking out the area and looking for riverfront lots and meeting with builders.  Back up here next month with the family

Well Had planned a Long roundtrip SXS ride from my house in Hesperia to Slash X and back should of been roughly close to 100 miles Off road but the Guy who knew the route texted me Sat morning saying he got covid. So we just went on a Local ride around here

Decided I'd rather drink with my wife today so i left work early.  She ordered a charteurtie (sp?) to snack on and making cheese steaks later.

Checking my list for an overnight Glamis trip Friday. 

Started working on a rack for my truck to transport the Honda Talon SxS.  Couldn’t find anyone that made one for a 5th wheel so I get to do it myself. 

Do you make choices, or do choices make you.

Been thinking on this allot this weekend. How it affects my family, our path, etc.

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Do you make choices, or do choices make you.

Been thinking on this allot this weekend. How it affects my family, our path, etc.
OK, grasshopper......  and?
