Its Saturday 1-7-23 what are ya Up too??


Apr 30, 2021
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Well its Saturday again what are ya Plans today and for the weekend??

I got House chores this am then a Haircut then Off too a Birthday/SX party

I'm at work and it's my Birthday.

After work I'm helping my brother install a lift on his JK.

Probably have a few :drinkup:

Daughter made an MRE for dinner last night and was in 7th heaven.  Each pack was better than the last.

Smoked a pork butt overnight.  Buddy coming over to party.  Might teqire trailer with LED kit I got for Christmas. 


Master cylinder swap / rebuild...then helping a buddy fix some drainage around his house.


Working today, selling my childhood dream (86 trx250r) tomorrow to clear out the trailer for a 4 seat RZR…. Next have to sell the RZR. Anybody want a 2 seat RZR 900 🤣

Going to plow some snow Do a shake down on the funco to make sure it’s ready for president day meet with the lady that cleans up the books and try to clean up the shop a little 

Started cleaning everything yesterday. I’m giving everything on wheel a serious diet.  Pulled everything out of the trailer wadi all of the sand out from the last trip.  Then getting rid of all the extra stuff I haven’t touched since I put it in the trailer.  Going to do the same thing in the motorhome.  

Everyone have a great and safe weekend. 

Empty the buggy of personal items. Get it ready to show (not really much to do, its a buggy). Then clean up trailer and take a few more detailed pictures. (Again not much uo do)

Monster jam with my youngest tomorrow.  

Visit my MIL tomorrow. 

Working today. Welding up a new custom T frame to move some big engines around. 

Getting quotes for stucco on the house as well. 

You all have fun.


My Aunt passed away so going to a funeral and then watching Supercross with my 5 year old. He is absolutely stoked. 
Nothing tomorrow. 

In bed. Got back to CA from Kauai at about 1am. Missed our puppy. Wife is making coffee.

I turned the business back on and already have orders to process. 

Good thing my boy works for me part time. Thursday I bar my surgery and will be a 1 armed man for a spell.

 I’m looking forward to the surgery. My arm is useless right now.

Hope everyone else is living their 2023 dreams!


Still recovering from a knarly snowboarding wreck week before last. Few compressed disc's in my neck. 3 hrs walking around the Meow Wolf deal with the kids yesterday didn't help

Going to try and start going over the machines in preparation for our Spring Break Glamis trip.



